Communist China Supports Palestine!

China: CPC Department of International Relations Holds a Zoom “Study Course” on the Palestinian issue! (29.12.2023)

Translator’s Note: I read the text of Dr. Maher Al-Taher on the Lebanese Communist Party website (in Arabic). He states that he has toured over a hundred Chinese cities and visited many museums and educational exhibitions, etc. He states that strength can be drawn from the 20th century struggle of the Chinese people and the 1949 success of the CPC. He also mentions that China will not tolerate an independent Taiwan – and that the Palestinian people will not accept a divided Palestine. He draws what he believes is a parallel between the two examples. He thinks that Israel is a fake State which must be eradicated for Palestine to be united and free. This is a little laboured and I am not sure I follow the logic. Taiwan is ‘Chinese’ and remains ‘Chinese’ regardless of which ideology tends to dominate – but China will not allow the US to control the island. The US already controls East Palestine and renamed it ‘Israel’ in 1948. The US consolidated this invasion by advocating and encouraging the perpetuation of a Jewish Neo-Nazism termed ‘Zionism’. Zionism was declared a form of Jewish ‘White Supremacy’ by the UN during 1975.

The Lebanese Communist Party is a member of the post-1991 Communist grouping (based in Greece) which is White-dominated and views all non-White ‘Communist’ countries (such as China and the DPRK) as being ‘non-Socialist’ and somehow representing fake Revolutionary movements. Surely, this is indicative of the successful penetration of the Communist Movement by Trotskyism. Of course, I do not blame the Lebanese Communist Party for this, but it is a point that requires clarification. Dr. Maher Al-Taher, for instance, appalled me by stating that the countries of Eastern Europe (between 1945-1991) were under Soviet Occupation (implying that Russia and the fourteen other countries that comprised the ‘Soviet Union’ was under Bolshevik oppression between 1917-1991) – and are now living in a post-colonial state (the only other place I have seen this ideological interpretation is through the rhetoric of the modern Neo-Nazi regimes that now dominate the area – as an excuse to justify their routine oppression)! How can the resurgence of capitalism and the embracing of Neo-Nazism throughout Eastern Europe be considered ‘post-colonial’? It cannot – unless one happens to be a deceptive ‘Trotskyite’ – as the USSR saved humanity in 1917 and again in 1945 (even if Khrushchev went off the rails in 1956)! Trotsky was expelled from the USSR in 1929 – and liquidated in Mexico in 1940 – yet another service rendered to humanity by the NKVD (KGB)!

Between 1945-1991, the countries of Eastern Europe were ‘Socialist’ and ‘Free’ (paid for with the blood of 41 million Soviet men, women and children) – just as the people of Palestine wish to be today! It is interesting that the PFLP article below tactfully gives only a general outline of what Dr. Maher Al-Taher actually said – omitting the exact detail – thus obscuring the Trotskyite nature of some aspects of the Palestinian Resistance. What is true is that the countries of Eastern Europe are currently under US neo-colonial control and that this domination involves the enforcing of the adoption of Neo-Nazi ideology – thus mimicking the contemporary (Zionist) State of Israel. This is the reality that the Trotskyism of Dr. Maher Al-Taher does not want you to know. The deceptive spectre of Trotsky reaches out from beyond his grave in Mexico! ACW (29.12.2023)

Media Office of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Lebanon


The Department of International Relations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a symposium on Zoom entitled – “A Study Course on the Palestinian Issue.” The Symposium – which was held on Wednesday and Thursday 12/27-28/2023 – included the following agenda:

The Opening Session – Introduction – to the Symposium on the Palestinian issue.

The First Session was entitled “Prospects for Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

The Second Session was entitled “The Current Situations in the Middle East and the Role of China.”

The Third Session is entitled “The Global Development Initiative for the Global Security Initiative, the Global Civilization Initiative, and the Transformation of the International Order.”

Dr. Maher Al-Taher participated – at the invitation of the Chinese side – with contributions in the First Session on the prospects for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

A number of Arab Parties also participated in this session – from Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Mauritania, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

Dr. Maher Al-Taher delivered a speech in the First Session.

Palestnian (Arabic) Text:

دائرة العلاقات الدولية في اللجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني تعقد ندوة على الزوم ” دورة دراسية ” حول القضية الفلسطينية

المكتب الإعلامي للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين في لبنان


عقدت دائرة العلاقات الدولية في اللجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، ندوة على الزوم ” دورة دراسية حول القضية الفلسطينية، وتضمنت الندوة التي انعقدت يومي الأربعاء والخميس 27 -28/12/2023 جدول الأعمال التالي:
الجلسة الافتتاحية للندوة الخاصة بالقضية الفلسطينية.
الجلسة الاولى تحت عنوان “الافاق لحل الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي”.
الجلسة الثانية تحت عنوان “الأوضاع الراهنة في الشرق الأوسط ودور الصين”.
الجلسة الثالثة تحت عنوان ” مبادرة التنمية العالمية لمبادرة الامن العالمي ومبادرة الحضارة العالمية وتحول النظام الدولي”.
وكان قد شارك الدكتور ماهر الطاهر، بدعوة من الجانب الصيني، بمداخله في الجلسة الاولى حول آفاق حل الصراع الفلسطيني – الإسرائيلي.
كما شارك في هذه الجلسة عدد من الأحزاب العربية، من مصر والعراق والجزائر والمغرب وسوريا وموريتانيا وتونس ولبنان والأردن وفلسطين. وألقى الدكتور ماهر الطاهر كلمة في الجلسة الاولى.