Gaza: Zionist Aggression Targets Palestinian Hospitals and Refugee Gathering-Points! (10.11.2023)

Zionist Bombing of Al-Awda Hospital – Gaza – November 9th 2023!

The Palestinian media Quds News Network reports that around 20 air-strikes were deliberately launched by Zionists in the area where tens of thousands of Palestinians have been displaced in northern Gaza. These are injured, sick and neglected victims, most of whom are women and children. The Palestine Chronicle reported that around 20 Palestinians were killed and injured in this attack. The video circulating on social media shows the enormity of the bombing that occurred around a hospital. According to the official Palestinian news agency WAFA, the bombing also caused serious damage to several hospital facilities. When contacted by Tempo via short message, the Operations Manager of the Humanitarian Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), Rima Manzanaris, said that his party was still looking for information regarding the attack. “That’s the information circulating. “Currently volunteers (at the Indonesian hospital in Gaza; ed) cannot be contacted,” said Rima on Friday November 10th 2023. Rima added that volunteers at the hospital could still be contacted at 21.00 WIB. “However, at 23.00 WIB we could no longer be contacted.” The Indonesian Hospital in Bayt Lahiya, North Gaza, Palestine, was built on 16,261 square metres of waqf land from Ismail Haniyeh. The social organization Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) became the intermediary for the realization of this hospital!

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