Iraq (2003): How Zionist-Israel Brutally Assisted the US Invasion! (24.10.2023)

From 2003 Onwards – Israeli IDF Mercenaries Advised the Criminal Activities of Blackwater!

The following text is extracted from the excellent (2019) book entitled ‘The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, Isis, and Donald Trump’ by Max Blumenthal’. As this is the Kindle edition – the ‘Location’ must be taken into account over the actual page number of the print edition. The content is shocking – as are the criminal activities of the Blackwater warmongers. Israeli soldiers – fueled with the madness of Zionist fascism – were encouraged to deploy their anti-Islamic attitudes toward the subjugated people of Iraq. The intention of the Zionists was to turn Iraq into a new Palestine – where the invading ‘White’ population would be free to move around and do anything they wished – whilst the (non-White) Iraqi population had to stay imprisoned and secluded within the walled ghettoes designed, constructed and patrolled by the Israelis themselves!

This Zionist (fascist) activity contributed toward the general attitude of ‘Crusade’ held by the far-right Christian troops provided by the US! As a result – tens of thousands of Islamic men and women heeded the call for ‘Jihad’ – a righteous (spiritually) induced self-defence uprising that cost the lives of tens of thousands of brave Iraqi who went into battle carrying old AK-47s – trying their best against the most advanced weaponry in the world possessed by the US – which also included ‘illegal’ fire-arms that were deliberately ‘tested’ on the bodies of the Iraqi people! Although the most elite military units of Iraq fought bravely against the invading West in 2003 – many of the ‘Conscripted’ Iraqi units were ‘surrendered’ by their Officers without a fight! As the ‘racist’ reality of US invasion dawned on these Iraqi men – they chose to belatedly ‘rise-up’ and teach the Americans (and the Israelis) a lesson!