Rainbow: Mitzvot (Commandments) – the Seven Laws of Noah! (12.6.2023)

Author’s Note: Whilst attending demonstration in London over the years, I have been given leaflets from LGBTQN+ groups carrying titles like ‘Reject Israel’s Pink-Washing!’ or ‘No Pride in Israeli Apartheid State!’ and the like! When I enquired further into what these movements stood for I was told that the Zionist Israeli government operates a sham policy which offers ‘free’ holidays to sectioned-off areas of Israel that are designed for tourists. These are effectively 5-Star hotels and facilities. When say a hundred-member ‘Gay’ group has been ‘invited’ from the West – no other tourists are allowed to stay and the facilities are staffed by specially trained teams of Israeli government workers. This is effectively a ‘Psy-Ops’ (Psychological Operation) designed to photograph and film ‘Gay’ people in the midst of ‘having fun’ whilst visiting Zionist Israel. This recorded data is used as a propaganda tool to counter leftist and Palestinian claims that suggest the real attitude of Zionist Israel is one of ‘honophobia’. The British (Jewish) comedian named – ‘Sacha Baron Cohen’ – once played a ‘Gay’ Austrian TV Reporter named ‘Bruno’. In an ‘Out-take’ of one of his films-shows – ‘Bruno’ – dressed as an onvious ‘Gay’ man is filmed walking down an average Israeli street (not situated in these ‘special’ Gay areas) and before long a Rabbi has gathered together a groups of ‘concerned citizens’ who begin the process of attempting to violently ‘hunt’ him down! Later, Sacha Baron Cohen would describe the sense of terror he experienced as he had to flee for his life! My point here is this; the ‘Mitzvot’ (Commandments) explained below – clearly point-out the moral behaviour that non-Jews have to follow if such people choose to live next to Jewish people. It is CLEAR from this research that all forms of ‘Gayness’ are NOT tolerated within the Jewish faith! Therefore, the idea that ‘Gays’ are welcome within Zionist Israel is a deliberate manipulation of human perception! ACW (13.6.2023)

The far-right (Neo-Nazi) movement in the West communicates within its own thought community (internecine) – and with its external allies and critics – through an admixture of fact and fiction which serves to create (cliched) narratives of false persecution, spectral victimhood and fictitious (disempowering) associations! The idea that a mysterious Jewish controlling-group lies behind ALL modern societies is a common theme. Quite often, the presence of disparate Jewish individuals in positions of power and influence – is presented (re-worked) as being representative of an exclusive (clandestine) ‘network’ at work – deliberately manoeuvring society (and culture) in the direction of a Jewish agenda involving world domination!

This is a complex (‘White Supremacist’) mythology that is continuously being reinvigorated (and reinforced) with what the Neo-Nazis consider to be indisputable ‘facts’ harvested from random external sources. Some points are inevitably correct but only within the context of their own conditions (and not from the perspective of the Neo-Nazi myth being perpetuated). One example of this Neo-Nazi myth-making involves the (LGBTQN+) Rainbow Flag designed by the (non-Jewish) Artist Gilbert Baker (1951-2017). The (horizontal) Rainbow Flag Baker designed contains ‘eight’ coloured-stripes representing the following elements of a clear sexual liberalism:

1) Hot Pink = Sex

2) Red = Life

3) Orange = Healing

4) Yellow = Sunlight

5) Green = Nature

6) Turquoise = Magic-Art

7) Indigo = Serenity

8) Violet = Spirit

The antisemitic (Neo-Nazi) myth is that this ‘non-Jewish’ man was following a clandestine (Jewish) agenda – and that his ‘Rainbow Flag’ is in fact a symbol of ‘Jewish’ colonial control designed to take-over the world and bring a ‘Jewish’ (religious) order to non-Jewish people! This idea is a leap of logic that attempts to ‘link’ the ‘eight’ sectioned ‘Rainbow Flag’ of Gilbert Baker with the (Hebrew) religious teachings of the ‘Seven Laws of Noah’. These teachings are also referred to as the ‘Noahide Commandments’ (or the ‘Mitzvot’ of Noah). Although Jewish people follow their own set of ‘Mitzvot’ (Commandments) – non-Jewish people who live alongside Jewish people are expected to willingly comply with Noah’s Seven Laws. In Jewish scripture it is stated that Yahweh “created the world that it might be settled”. (Isaiah 45:18) This implies a level of required civilized conduct – which can only be achieved when non-Jewish people also correctly observe the required ‘mitzvot’.

These are the ‘Seven Noahide Laws, as enumerated in the Babylonian Talmud – Sanhedrin 56a:

a) Carry out justice – An imperative to pursue (and enforce) social justice – and prohibit any miscarriage of justice.

b) No blasphemy – this prohibits any curse directed at the Supreme Being.

c) No idolatry – this prohibits the worship of any human-being (or any created thing). The making of idols is prohibited as is any involvement with the occult. This necessitates an understanding of the One Yahweh of Israel and His nature.

d) No illicit intercourse – this prohibits adultery, incest, homosexual intercourse and bestiality – according to the Torah.

e) No homicide – the prohibits murder and suicide. Causing injury (to self or other) is also forbidden.

f) No theft – this prohibits the wrongful taking of another’s goods.

g) Do not eat a limb of a living creature – this promotes the kind treatment of animal life. Encourages an appreciation for all kinds of life – and respect for nature as Yahweh’s Creation.

The authority for these laws derives from the verse, “And the Lord Yahweh commanded it upon the man…” (Gen. 2:16). The ‘rainbow’ is the unofficial symbol of ‘Noahidinism’ – premised upon the Genesis flood narrative in which a rainbow appears to Noah after the Flood – indicating that Yahweh would not flood the Earth and destroy all life again! Therefore, the Neo-Nazi ideologists make the category error of incorrectly correlating the ‘rainbow’ of Gilbert Baker with the ‘rainbow of ‘Noah’. Baker’s ‘rainbow’ contains ‘eight’ levels whilst Noah’s ‘rainbow’ contains ‘seven’ levels. The Noahidine ‘Rainbow’ appears to be comprised of the seven ‘primary colours’ – but I have not seen a ‘direct’ association between each of the ‘Seven Noahidine Laws’ and each of the specific seven colours. The association may well be ‘general’ and ‘symbolic’ rather than ‘actual’ and ‘literal’. The two sets of rainbow levels are ideologically ‘unconnected’. Although the Neo-Nazis talk of a sinister Jewish plot to take-over the world through the encouragement of all kinds of decadent groups – the sexual liberalism of Gilbert Baker is NOT supported by the (Jewish) sexual conservativism as advocated by the teachings of the ‘Mitzvot’! Indeedadultery, the fourth law of Noah firmly contradicts the Neo-Nazi assertion that Judaism is pursuing a clandestine ‘homosexual’ agenda when it states:

d) No illicit intercourse – this prohibits adultery, incest, homosexual intercourse and bestiality – according to the Law of the Torah.

This proscription applies primarily to ‘gay’ homosexual acts as practiced by men. Although lesbianism is not specifically forbidden in the Hebrew Bible – sexual liaisons between women are forbidden by Orthodox Rabbinical literature. Therefore, the Neo-Nazis are wrong to associate the ‘Rainbow’ of Gilbert Baker and the ‘Rainbow’ associated with Noah (the latter having only a casual connection with Noah’s Seven Laws). Judaism does NOT encourage or accommodate homosexuality – and a case can be made that Judaic theology is openly opposed to homosexuality. The ‘Rainbow’ flag of Judaism can be co-opted by progressive gay Jews and subverted to represent or coincide with Gilbert’s creation (a political development) – but the Neo-Nazis simply do NOT have their facts right by asserting that Jewish theology is leading a worldwide intrigue evolving around sexual liberalism!

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