Zionist PLO Replacement Theory!

Palestine: US & Israel Attempt to “Ethically Cleanse” PLO! (9.6.2024)

PLO Executive Committee condemns attempts at forming alternative structures to PLO

RAMALLAH, Saturday, June 8, 2024 (WAFA) – The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has condemned ongoing attempts at forming parallel or alternative frameworks to the PLO and its institutions.

The committee stated that the Israeli occupation government persists, with support from the United States, in refusing to cease the aggression on Gaza and lift the blockade on the Palestinian people and their government.

Furthermore, the PLO Executive Committee condemned Israel’s attempts to form the so-called Gaza Civil Administration, sought by Israel and the US administration as part of the post-war arrangements.

“Amid this onslaught aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and political system, groups supported and funded from regional parties emerge under national names in a desperate attempt to form parallel frameworks and alternatives to the PLO and its legitimate elected institutions,” said the committee.

The Executive Committee affirmed that embodying the national unity comes through ending the division and uniting state institutions under the umbrella of the PLO, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people.

The Executive Committee condemned “these insidious attempts and those behind them,” pledging to thwart all attempts to undermine the unity of the PLO and create alternative frameworks to it.

It called on the masses of the Palestinian people in the homeland and the diaspora to rally around their legitimate leadership under the leadership of President Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.