Airman Aaron Bushnell Gives His Life for Palestine!

US: Airman Aaron Bushnell – Remembering his Bravery & Self-Discipline! (16.3.2024)

Airman Aaron Bushnell "Stands To Attention" - Calling for Palestine to be Free!
Airman Aaron Bushnell “Stands To Attention” – Calling for Palestine to be Free!

I was shown a video today that moved me. Usually, I spend my time watching and exposing the endless War Crimes and Atrocities committed by the US Military and its many proxies around the world – including Zionist Israel. This is linked to my work infiltrating and exposing the political far-right – as this diverse movement of hate draws its inspiration from the fact that the US (and Israel) are continuously killing non-White people around the world in support of what the Warmongers who control Washington term ‘freedom’ for their preferred socio-economic system to spread and prevail unopposed throughout the world.

Aaron Bushnell Demonstrates a Remarkable Degree of Self-Discipline!
Aaron Bushnell Demonstrates a Remarkable Degree of Self-Discipline!

Around the time that the US Airforce and the British Royal Airforce (RAF) were committing War Crimes bombing Yemen – Airman (Intelligence Officer) Aaron Bushnell decided to take decisive action that would end in his death. A brave (political) action that has seen the US government suppress by blocking and removing videos and photographs of the self-immolation. Whilst US warplanes rained death down on the Yemeni people – and the Israeli Airforce murdered and wounded innocent Palestinian men, women and children using US, UK and EU supplied weaponry – Airman Aaron Bushnell hurt no one but himself in protest to the (racist) policies of his own government!

Aaron Bushnell Shouts "Fee Palestine!" Until the Fire Burns His Voicebox!
Aaron Bushnell Shouts “Fee Palestine!” Until the Fire Burns His Voice-Box!

I have access to the full video and am contemplating posting it on this blog. In the meantime, I have taken photographs in real-time that demonstrate just how brave Airman Aaron Bushnell was when performing his act of profound protest. I am reminded of the Buddhist monks and nuns who carried-out similar self-sacrifices in South Vietnam in protest to the tyranny of the US Occupation and the Fascist (Catholic) Government Washington had installed to oppose the ethnic Vietnamese people. At around 1300 hrs on Sunday, February 25th, 2024, Airman Aaron Bushnell filmed himself (livestreaming straight onto the net) walking toward the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC.

As the Agony Increases - Aaron Bushnell Turns - But Does Not Run!
As the Agony Increases – Aaron Bushnell Turns – But Does Not Run!

Remarkably, Airman Aaron Bushnell retained a superb discipline and dignity. This was equally true as his clothes fell-off him in tatters – and his body began to collapse-in upon itself! If this man had been protesting in favour of US and Israeli tyranny – his self-sacrifice would have been eulogised across the world and our children would now be taught about it in school! As matters stand, Aaron Bushnell explained that he could not accept the dictates of the ruling elite that control the country he was born into – and whose military he has loyally served! He carries an ordinary thermos-flask in one-hand – which is full of a flammable liquid. The US flag is clearly visible on his right-shoulder as he walks past the Embassy of Ghana.

As the Agony Increases - Aaron Bushnell On His Back!
As the Agony Increases – Aaron Bushnell On His Back!

After setting-up his camera on the floor – Airman Aaron Bushnell walks backwards about 20 feet and after pouring the liquid over his bear head and upper body – he places his cap back on his head and resolutely (perhaps solemnly some might say) stands to attention! He explains that Israel must be stopped and that Palestine must be free! By this time, local security is starting to enquire as to his presence and his activity – not sure what to do as he is in military uniform. At first, the lighter does not work, but after a number of attempts – Airman Aaron Bushnell bursts into flames! He stands determined and at attention so that his camera can record his protest! He shouts “Free Palestine!” until the inside of his mouth is consumed with fire! After about 90 seconds – Airman Aaron Bushnell is lying (dying) on his back whilst private security personal aim hand-guns and fire-extinguishers at him! A Black man attempts to put out the fire – whilst a White man threatens to shoot his now burnt body – and therein lies the entire crux of the matter! The Zionist Israelis are currently murdering tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children in Gaza (and elsewhere) – and they are being empowered to carry-out this “Genocide” by the continuous supply of weaponry from the US, EU and UK!