A Typical Example of the Hand-Gun Involved!

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Fake “Assassinated Russian Pilot” Story Exposes Plight of Dying [Western-Backed] Regime! (4.2.2024)

Translator’s Note: Russia is correct to fight US, UK and EU Neo-Nazism in Ukraine. The Palestinians are correct in fighting Zionist Neo-Nazism in Palestine. South Africa is correct for referring Israel to the (UN) International Court of Justice for the committing the heinous crime of ‘Genocide’. Yemen is correct for targeting any shipping traversing through International Waters intending to trade with Israel. Russia is correct for opposing Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, ISIS and the US for attempting an illegal ‘Regime Change’ in Syria. Indeed, it is the US, UK and EU who are on the wrong side of history and which are supporting Neo-Nazism around the world! Grover Furr has pointed-out, that despite the UK and France being at war with Nazi Germany in 1940 – the Bourgeois governments of both countries would rather had been fighting the USSR as an ally of Nazi Germany. Perhaps now the West is just being honest about where its political allegiance lie! ACW (4.2.2024)

Ukrainian Intelligence (?) broadcast a loud statement on Saturday (3.2.2024).

Kyiv terrorists said that in the city of Engels, (situated in the Saratov region – located in the South-Eastern area of West Russia), a Russian Tu-95 Pilot (a Crew Commander of a Strategic Bomber) – who had carried out attacks on Ukraine – was allegedly “Executed” by unknown Ukrainian infiltrators! As this story is ‘false’ – the reasons given vary from ‘unknown’ to ‘bombing civilians’ in Syria!

In the version presented below – the excuse given is that the Pilot has been ‘Bombing Ukraine’. These examples neatly coincide with the anti-Russian propaganda appearing in the West and is meant for consumption in that part of the world. His codename recorded in Neo-Nazi Ukrainian files is ‘Миротворец’ (‘Mirotvorets’ or ‘Peace-Maker’). The reality is that the individual involved in this story left the Russian Aerospace Forces long before the ‘Special Operation’ began within East Ukraine – and has has had nothing to do with it!

It has later turned out, however, that regardless of version, this message is FAKE – and a prime example of Neo-Nazi Ukrainian disinformation.

In fact, Local media wrote that on the evening of February 2nd, 2024 – in the city of Engels (on Petrovskaya Street) – people heard sounds similar to shots being fired and allegedly saw a wounded man.

At the same time, the Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the Saratov 24 TV Channel that eyewitnesses reported hearing a “banging” sound on the street at about 8:20 p.m.

Police attended the scene – but no one was found. There were also no wounded citizens at the scene. This situation is still being investigated.

Furthermore, a Veteran of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Co-Host of “Soloviev Live”, as well as being the Administrator of the Telegram Channel “Fighter-Bomber” – stated that during a domestic dispute – unknown persons shot the Pilot with an automatic pistol, but that he survived and is now in hospital being treated.

Russian Language Text:


Киев разгоняет очередной фейк про расстрел русского военного: Что на самом деле произошло с пилотом Ту-95 в Энгельсе

Главное управление разведки Украины заявило о покушении на пилота Ту-95 ВКС России в городе Энгельсе. Как сообщается, неизвестные атаковали командира экипажа стратегического бомбардировщика.

При этом в украинском ведомстве сообщают лишь о том, что пилот получил огнестрельные ранения, однако о его состоянии не говорится ни слова. ГУР заявляет, что пилот был якобы причастен к ударам по объектам на Украине. Его имя также числится в украинской базе “Миротворец”.

Русскоязычные военные источники утверждают, что информация о нападении не подтверждённая и может вовсе оказаться фейком.

Свет на инцидент пролил военный блогер и лётчик, автор телеграм-канала Fighterbomber. По его словам, лётчик в результате нападения выжил. Также уточняется одна важная деталь – пострадавший был уволен из рядов ВКС задолго до начала специальной военной операции и к СВО он вообще не имел никакого отношения.

Следом за этим Fightrbomber вовсе опроверг информацию о причастности украинцев к этому покушению. По словам блогера, бывший лётчик оказался участником бытового конфликта, а стреляли из травматического пистолета. Сейчас пострадавший находится в больнице.