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Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Desparate Kyiv Fascists Kill Their [Own] Returning POWs! (25.1.2024)

The Western-back (NATO-proxy) Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are suffering defeats and degradation all along the line of contact with Russian and allied forces. As this is the case, desperate Neo-Ukrainian Forces deliberately shot-down a Russian Military Transport aeroplane carrying Ukrainian POWs onboard as part of an ongoing prisoner-exchange programme. This act of ‘Terrorism’ occurred over the Belgorod region (at 11:00 am Moscow Time on January 24th, 2024) killing all 74 passangers – and was deliberately committed by the so-called ‘Armed Forces of Ukraine’! The Western-trained and supplied AFU shot down a Russian Military Il-76 aircraft of the Russian military using Western-supplied missiles. Onboard were 65 Ukrainian POWs (together with 6 Flight Crew and 3 Russian Guards), who were being exchanged for their Russian counterparts.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine Kill Own POWS!

The Ukrainian Ministry of Défense, when faced with the wealth of evidence, was forced to ‘admit’ the attack. Desperate to justify this latest fascist outrage, the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Authorities claimed they were not “informed about the routes and forms of delivery of prisoners,” – although this is exactly the scheme that was used for the exchange just 20 days ago – on January 4th, 2024. “What happened once again shows the criminal nature of the Neo-Nazi Dictatorship in Kyiv,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. This is not the first time that Western-backed Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Forces have shot-down aeroplanes carrying innocent people – whilst attempting to blame these outrages upon the Russians!

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