Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh 2024

The Hague: Eire’s “Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh” – Describes Israel’s “Misogynistic” Genocide! (18.1.2024)

Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh Expertly Conveys the Sheer Horror of Zionist Fascism!

My partner – Gee – is an NHS Midwife. We both listened to the testimony broadcast from The Hague regarding Israel’s “Genocide” against the Palestinian people. At one point – the learned Irish Barrister (Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh) – stated that as the Zionists are deliberately targeting hospital buildings, Aid Workers, Medics, Doctors and Emergency Workers – some pregnant Palestinian women are being forced to undergo Caesarean-Sections WITHOUT any anaesthetic. Gee, as a professional Midwife, explained that this means the lower abdomenal area of the woman is cut-open so as to expose the womb and allow for the manual extraction of the baby (which may or may not be living).

This process often leads to a woman going into “shock” through a loss of blood that can only be stopped with further medical treatment. As there is no pain-killers, blood-clotters or extra blood-supplies – the Surgeons are left with no alternative but to ‘remove’ the entire womb (Hysterectomy) of the woman in an attempt to stem over-all bleeding when NO further treatment or drugs are available. Believe it or not, a perfectly healthy Palestinian woman is forced (through Zionist activity) to have her entire womb permanently REMOVED in an attempt to save her life due to the deficient circumstances generated by the Zionist (“Genocidal”) activity! If the woman survives this process – then she will NEVER be able to have another child – thus fulfilling the Zionist plan of preventing the Palestinian people from reproducing (ethnic-cleansing).