Email: Requesting Heaven’s Gate Advice! (24.11.2023)

Dear Fellow Travellers

I would like to share with you – from the evolutionary level above human – my discovery of a very similar group to your ‘Heaven’s Gate’ which I accidently discovered when on a recent field trip to Hebron – in the West Bank. Soon after a Zionist projectile came whizzing in – a large hole was blown in a nearby rock – and I could not believe my eyes! Among the bodies of dead Palestinians – I saw a cave-opening and within the interior of this cave their was a local man who looked much like ‘Do’!

He possessed a pudding-bowl hair-cut, was sat meditating and wearing loose-fitting clothing. He said he belonged to a UFO Away Group termed ‘Hebron’s G8’ (apparently for copyright reasons) – and advised that I should cut my knackers-off! Only if I am bollockless (he further explained) – could I enter the evolutionary level above human! I would like to ask whether you think this advice is correct?

I have read that a number of Heaven’s Gate members once travelled to Mexico to have their knackers removed under the auspices of the advanced medical system that fine country has to offer. He stated that the entry points of all UFOs possess a ‘Bollock Detector Device’ (technology from TELAH) – and that it automatically deploys a laser-beam which lops-off the offending articles before we can say ‘Yassar Arafat’! I must admit, this all seems pretty water-tight to me. Of course, if I stay in Palestine any longer – the Zionists will ensure that I lose more than the family jewels!

I would appreciate any guidance you might have that assists my journey into TELAH!

Your Away Team Colleague


London – UK