Palestine: Israel Murders Children – Hamas Freedom Fighters “Kill” Zionist Tanks! (7.11.2023)

Western Tanks Destroyed By Guerilla Fighters!

Israel is a ‘White’ Settler country that evolved out of the UK stating it would arbitrarily ‘give’ (without asking the Arabs) half of the country of Islamic Palestine to a group of White terrorists who followed the Zionist White Supremacy ideology. In 1975, following extensive research and enquiries, the UN declared Zionism to be the Jewish-derived form of fascism it undoubtedly is. The UK took this action as a sweetener to entice the United States (and its powerful Jewish politicians, bankers and industrialists) to enter WWI on the side of the UK – following the withdrawal of the Russian Empire during the 1917 Socialist Revolution. The price the Palestinians have paid since 1947 has been the lose of their lands and the lose of their lives – as the US and UK continuously feed in an endless supply of money and arms to the region. The very presence of an aggressive Israel destabilises the region and prevents the Arab world from uniting around its petroleum wealth and becoming a powerful political bloc!