Winged Pegasus - 1944

80th D-Day Commemoration – Remembering the British & Soviet Sacrifice! (6.6.2024)

Specifically, the troops of the 1st Buckinghamshire (Light Bobs) Battalion of the Ox & Bucks Light Infantry (Territorials) – my grandfather’s Unit (he was part of an Anti-Tank Platoon) – intended to relieve D Company (Glider Troops) of the 2nd Battalion of the Ox & Bucks Light Infantry (Professional). My grandfather at one-point was barracked in Bovey Tracy in Devon – whilst his Unit trained around the Exeter Canal System – due to this place possessing a similar structure to that of the Canal System of Caen. This could have been to familiarise the “Light Bobs” with the Caen area they were supposed to advance toward from Sword Beach. This could have been my grandfather’s route into France – but I possess his shoulder badge – which is a Winged Pegasus (worn by Glider Troops). Whatever the case, his Unit was wiped-out and he fought on in the hedge-rows of France – fighting Vichy French and Nazi Germans.

The Great Gypsy King!

Saluting the Gypsy King & Exposing the Far-Right Commentary Aimed at Tyson Fury! (19.5.2024)

The irony? Well, Uysk’s ancestors – as Nazi collaborators – assisted the Germans in their rounding up and mass murdering of the Romany (“Gypsies”) tribes that had flourished in the USSR under Soviet Socialism (the Red Army had Regiments of Gypsies). Tyson Fury – and his family – are “Gypsies” – and there has been no end of anti-Romany aggression from the Uysk Camp which the British media refused to report as such. Just as it refused to recognise Tyson Fury as “British” last night – or Uysk as a Nazi. Regardless of the evil that currently stalks this land – Tyson Fury won the fight. 

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Military Stalemate Favouring Russia – Equals Loss of Western Support for Ukrainian Fascists! (11.11.2023)


Global attention to the Ukraine crisis has dwindled recently, and people in the West, particularly in the United States, are becoming increasingly tired of the ongoing crisis.

A recent Gallup poll revealed declining support for providing additional aid to Ukraine among Americans, with 41 percent of respondents believing that the United States has already done “too much” to assist Ukraine.

In contrast, this number was 24 percent three months ago.

This sentiment has been growing, especially in light of the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which diverts international attention.

However, Zelensky denied in a recent NBC interview that the Ukraine crisis had reached a deadlock, urging the United States to provide more military aid.

The U.S. Democratic administration has reportedly provided a total of 75 billion U.S. dollars in military, humanitarian, and financial aid to Ukraine since February 2022.

However, further assistance to Ukraine has faced strong opposition from Republicans in the U.S. Congress.

I acquired this article NOT from a Russian news outlet – but rather from the “Official” Telegram Channel of the “Ukraine National Police!! The West and Central areas of Neo-Nazi Ukraine are peaceful and awash with US, UK and EU “free” money – which means that nobody needs to “work” and foreigners are everywhere enjoying this decadent existence! The Neo-Nazi Ukrainian State has encouraged this decadence – but since the production of Child Paedophile Pornography has become an epidemic – Western paedophiles and perverts have been flocking to “Maidan” Neo-Nazi Ukraine! This reality has been noticed by the hypocritical Western governments – who have instructed the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian government to “crack down” on this terrible and deficient criminal behaviour which is typical of the Neo-Nazi far-right!

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Western-Trained “Maidan” Special Forces Show What They Have Learned! (28.4.2023)

Within the forests of West Ukraine the NKVD reported finding (hidden) weapons and ammunition caches originating from the US and UK! Joseph Stalin chose to not act on this apparent subterfuge – but to continue to honour the ‘alliance’ as the Soviet Red Army pursued its own path toward Berlin! The Nep-Nazis again rose-up in Hungary in 1956 – and the US and UK referred to this outbreak of ‘Hitlerism’ as ‘freedom-fighting’ (granting thousands of these criminals political asylum in the West – including the Boxer ‘Joe Bugner’ in the UK)! Neo-Nazis again rose-up in Czechoslovakia in 1968 – and the Soviet Red Army, from generation to generation, successfully applied its Marxist-Leninist education and ‘destroyed’ each new attempt of Hitler rising from his grave!

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