DPRK: Japanese Kidnappings (1977-1988)

According to both Russian and Chinese language sources, in 2002, the then leader of North Korea – Kim Jong Il – publically acknowledged that ‘rogue’ elements within the intelligence services of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) had initiated a programme of ‘kidnapping’ a non-specified number of Japanese citizens – but that the upper echelons of the DPRK government at the time had not been involved or informed.

How Nazism Shaped the Western Notion of Tibet

After this whole-sale destruction of Austrian culture and the instigation of fascist murder and mayhem in his country, what did Heinrich Harrier decide to do? Did he keep quiet and see how things developed? Did he join a network of Austrian resistance to the Nazi invasion? Did he work toward protecting those Austrians who were the victims of German fascism? No – Heinrich Harrier did none of these things.

2012 Hubei Medicine Buddha Cultural Festival – Welcomes Venerable Monks from Abroad

Surrounded by thousands of devout followers of the Buddha, the eminent monks – led by the Venerable Dharma Master Jing Hui – each mounted the mandala-platform in turn. The Venerable Jing Hui was followed by Cambodia’s Great Sangharaja Bugeli, and then Thailand’s head of the Supreme Sangha Council – the Venerable Phraphrommethee – followed by the other eminent elders and dignitaries, all following the old monk Jing Hui’s directions.

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