Palestine: Hamas Freedom Fighters Active in North Gaza! (31.10.2023)

Hamas has no doubt that the Guerilla War tactics it employs will produce the complete defeat of the Zionist enemy throughout Palestine! Even after suffering three weeks of blanket-bombing and deprivation of food, water and electricity for over three weeks – the Freedom Fighters of Hamas are still able to mobilise and effectively engage the enemy! With such determination these people will surely prevail in the end!

Palestine: Heroic Anti-Fascist Resistance Movement Declares ‘Internationalist’ Intent! (8.10.2023)

The Brigades of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa affirmed today, Saturday – in light of the heroic scenes generated by the proud actions of the heroes of the Resistance inside our Occupied Territories, as part of the epic battle against fascism that we are waging – that this heroic battle is the beginning of the defeat of the Zionist enemy and will culminate in its departure from our land! The success of this anti-fascist fight will not be erased from the awareness and memory of the Arab nation!

Palestine: Hamas Freedom Fighters Capture Zionist Tank! (7.10.2023)

Meanwhile, the impoverished and poorly armed Palestinians continue to fight back in small but persistant ways. Yes – they die in their thousands – but they bury their dead and they fight on regardless! The Palestinians receive no help and no justice – but every single Palestinian is sure that their cause is just and that victory will eventually be theirs! In wars started and supported by the West – people die. If the West wants fewer Zionists killed in their proxy war – then the US should give the order for Zionists to stop killing Palestinians! Until this happens, the Palestinians will continue to carry out brave military actions against overwhelming odds – and occasionally win – as we see above!

Alexander Werth: The Defensive Battle of Stalingrad [Part I]! (3.10.2023)

The content reviews Alexander Werth’s experience in the USSR during 1942, emphasizing his perspective on the pivotal Battle for Stalingrad. Werth’s proximity to the Soviet media and front-line individuals makes his narrative valuable amid Western-dominated narratives. The author emphasizes the indispensable role of the Communist Party in the Soviet people’s resistance against fascism.

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