Auditing and ‘Sting’ Operations: How the Far-Right is Pulling the Wool Over ‘Our Collective Eyes! 

This process is perhaps exemplified by the obsession of a number of so-called ‘Auditors’ that venerate the ‘Union Jack’ flag in exactly the same manner the average brain-dead American venerates the ‘Stars and Stripes’ – and the average Neo-Nazi eulogises the inverted Swastika as used by Adolf Hitler! The British Police was invented as an oppressive institution in the early 1800s as a means for the State (Polis) to protect the already enriched middle and upper classes from the impoverished working-class! By doing this, the Bourgeois State was protecting itself and preventing a working-class Revolution! As a consequence, each Police Constable was taught to talk down to the working-class by assuming the air of a disapproving (Victorian) middle-class father who possessed power over life and limb! This methodology is retained today – with many Police Officers wearing a modified ‘Union Jack’ containing a ‘Thin Blue Line’ running through its centre. The ‘Union Jack’ is a disgusting and disgraceful flag of historical oppression that has been responsible for the death of millions and the oppression of millions more! The ‘Union Jack’ is a flag of ‘White’ oppression and is a symbol of tyranny and fear for all non-White people! No doubt, this is why the far-right associated Auditors admire it so much!

Russian Army Captures First ‘Foreign’ Criminals Fighting for the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis! (3.3.2022) 

It has also turned out that these fascist mercenaries are using weapons supplied to them directly by the US, UK and EU – weapons which the Western warmongers have sent to the Ukraine in great number; So far, 200 mercenary fighters from Croatia have officially been reported to have arrived in the enemy camp – but others are on their way from the US, UK and EU and they will be tried as War Criminals;

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