Flowers for Hu Youping!

China: Hu Youping [胡友平] is NOT a “Traitor” – But Rather a “Local Hero” & “National Martyr”! (28.6.2024)

Xindi Centre Bus Stop on Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone, Suzhou City!

Translator’s Note: Hu Youping [胡友平] – 1969-2024 – was 55-years old when she died defending a Japanese mother and her child during a knife attack at a Suzhou Bus Stop on June 24th, 2024. The unnamed murderer is described in the Chinese-language media as being a 52-year old, unemployed ethnic Chinese man originating from outside of Suzhou. This individual is in Police Custody and is awaiting trial. Meanwhile, the US – through its colony of Japan – continues to agitate in and around China. Japan, as an ally of the US, refuses to acknowledge its guilt for the millions of Chinese men, women, and children its military forces killed between 1931-1945. The US allows this attitude in Japan as being part of its anti-Socialist project. Needless to say, many Chinese people possess a negative attitude toward Japan. That being said, it is odd to think that the selfless actions of a brave Chinese woman would lead to some Chinese people terming her a “traitor” – simply because she interceded and saved the lives of two Japanese nationals. Most Chinese people agree that mindless violence describes the manner in which the Imperial Japanese behaved both before and during WWII. The Chinese people will overcome US and Japanese racism by good, polite and generous behaviour. This is how “good” defeats “evil”. ACW (28.6.2024)

Hu Youping – Suzhou Bus Station – June 24th – 2024

Hu Youping died to save Japanese nationals from Chinese attack and was posthumously awarded the title of “Suzhou City Model of Bravery”. A Professor at Fudan University questioned why it was that she was not awarded the title of “Hero of Bravery” – an award which requires the Provincial Government to first evaluate. It is suggested that Hu Youping should be awarded the title of “Martyr” to protect her reputation (and that of her family) from physical threats and cyber violence from a small section of the Chinese population.

At about 16:00 on June 24th, 2024, a knife-wounding attack occurred at the Xindi Centre Bus Stop on Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone, resulting in 3 injuries, including 1 Chinese national and 2 Japanese nationals. The Chinese person (fatally) injured was Hu Youping – hurt during the process of voluntarily preventing the suspect from committing the crime. Hu Youping was sent to the hospital for treatment but died on June 26th, 2024. Among the two Japanese people involved, one was treated in the hospital overnight and was not in danger whilst the other was discharged on the same day.

On June 28, 2024 the Suzhou Public Security Bureau and Suzhou City Foundation for Heroic Acts issued a notice that, according to the consideration of the relevant provisions of the “Regulations on Rewarding and Protecting Heroic Acts in Jiangsu Province” and the “Implementation Measures for the Evaluation of Heroic Acts in Suzhou” – following an application from the Suzhou High-tech Zone Management Committee and the review of the Municipal Heroic Acts Evaluation Working Group. This activity led to the Municipal Government being requested to posthumously award citizen Hu Youping the title of “Suzhou Model of Heroic Action”. A media reporter learned from the Suzhou Municipal People’s Government that Suzhou City has recognized the Heroic Act and is posthumously awarding the title of “Heroic Model of Action” in Suzhou City according to procedures.

Whilst facing a knife-wielding murderer, Hu Youping stepped forward regardless of the danger and unfortunately was killed. Her sacrifice fully deserves the title of “Heroic Model of Action”. However, this title is lower than the title of “Righteous Hero & Martyr” in the “Implementation Measures for the Evaluation of Heroic Acts in Suzhou”. Fudan University University Professor Qu Weiguo raised serious objections to the public announcement of Suzhou Public Security Bureau and Suzhou Foundation for Heroic Acts, questioning why Hu Youping was not worthy of the title of “Righteous Hero & Martyr”?

Professor Qu’s question is echoed by many netizens who care about Hu Youping. However, Professor Qu has misunderstood Suzhou City. According to the “Regulations on Rewarding and Protecting Heroic Acts in Jiangsu Province”, it is only the People’s Government at a Prefecture-Level which can bestow the “Righteous Hero & Martyr” and “Advanced Righteous Hero & Martyr” awards, whilst the County (City and District) People’s Government can only award the title of “Heroic Model of Action”.

The authority to award the title of “Righteous Hero & Martyr” lies in the hands of the Provincial Government. In other words, the title of “Heroic Model of Action” is the highest honorary award that the Suzhou Government can give to Hu Youping for her righteousness and bravery. If Suzhou City needs to assess Hu Youping as a “Righteous Hero & Martyr”, it is necessary to apply to the Jiangsu Provincial Government. There is currently no report about the Suzhou Government applying to the Provincial Government for Hu Youping’s “Righteous Hero & Martyr”.

For Hu Youping’s death, the Japanese Embassy in China lowered its flag in mourning, and the last time it lowered its flag was on October 27th, 2023 when a prominent businessmen suddenly passed away. The official Weibo site of the Japanese Embassy in China stated that it believed that her courage and kindness also represented the vast majority of Chinese people. Such a beautiful expectation is equal between the people of China and Japan. It is hoped that China and Japan will be friendly for generations, but there are always some who disagree – lacking in beautiful humanity – on the Internet. These people have attacked attacked the brave actions of Hu Youping – calling her a “traitor” – whilst Youping’s family is also facing the pressure from such unwarranted accusations.

#深度好文计划# – #DeepGoodArticlesProject#

According to the implementation measures of “Jiangsu Province’s Implementation of the Evaluation of the Title of Courageous Acts for Righteousness Acts and Bravery” the Provincial title for “Bravery” is evaluated only once every three years. The title of “Heroic Model of Action” is only available at the Provincial-Level, and the last time Jiangsu Province considered the cases of brave people was during October 2023, covering the period from May 1st, 2020 to April 30th, 2023. In other words, if Hu Youping wants to be recognized as a “Righteous Hero & Martyr”, she needs to wait until after April 30th, 2026.

Instead of the long wait for the title of “Righteous Hero & Martyr”, the Jiangsu Provincial Government should immediately grant Hu Youping the honour of being recognised as “Martyr”. Many people think that ordinary citizens cannot be rated as “Martyrs”. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. “Martyr” is not exclusive to certain people – but rather all citizens who sacrifice their lives in Defending the Motherland and Socialist Construction are eligible.

Article 8 of the “Regulations on Commendation of Martyrs” stipulates several situations in which individuals can be rated as Martyrs, among which the second situation is Disaster Relief or other sacrifices made related to Rescue and State protection, collective property, and citizens’ lives and property. According to the statement of the Japanese (adult) injured person involved, when the suspect committed the crime, Hu Youping stopped the suspect and was stabbed and fell to the ground, and the son of the Japanese adult injured person took the opportunity to escape. Citizens who witnessed the scene saw that Hu Youping grabbed the suspect from behind – whilst the suspect stabbed her wih a backward thrust – causing her to fall to the ground. The suspect continued to chase and stab. The witness said: “If the suspect had not been stopped at the time, more people would have been injured.”

In the “Reply of the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province on Approving to Evaluate Comrade Qiao Jun as a Martyr” on December 22nd, 2023, Qiao Jun died on June 3rd, 2023 while rescuing people who fell into the water. According to the provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the “Regulations on Commendation of Martyrs”, the Jiangsu Provincial Government agreed to evaluate Comrade Qiao Jun as a Martyr. Among the Provincial-Level Bravery Titles evaluated by Jiangsu Province last year, there was a Martyr named Liu Zifan, who was also unfortunately killed after being stabbed because he stopped others from committing crimes, and was finally evaluated as a Martyr by the Provincial Government.

On July 19th, 2012, the General Office of the State Council forwarded the “Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of the Rights and Interests of People Who Performed Heroic Acts” formulated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and seven other Ministries and Commissions. It was proposed that for people who died while performing Heroic Acts, those who meet the conditions for being evaluated as Martyrs shall be evaluated as Martyrs in accordance with the law, and their families shall enjoy relevant treatment in accordance with the “Regulations on Commendation of Martyrs”. Whether it is deeds or laws and regulations, there is no obstacle for Hu Youping to be evaluated as a Martyr. But in legal procedures, the Suzhou government needs to report to the Jiangsu Provincial Government for evaluation.

In fact, whether it is a “Hero” or a “Martyr”, the Suzhou government needs to report to the Provincial Government for evaluation. It is not known whether the Suzhou government has yet initiated this procedure. However, as a city with nearly 2,000 Japanese companies – there are problems due to the dispute regarding Japanese nationals living in China openly wearing Japanese-style kimonos – with many carrying Samurai Swords on Chinese streets. This is the same behaviour that the Japanese performed in China between 1931-1945 – when the Japanese Imperial Army and Kempeitai Police (including Unit 731) committed their numerous murders and atrocities. This is understandably a sensitive issue for ethnic Chinese people. Therefore, it is necessary for the Suzhou government to perform in a better capacity with regards the honorary treatment of Hu Youping. This is not only fair treatment for Hu Youping, whose reputation and family has been subject to online violence, but also an important measure for the Suzhou government to firmly express its support for Sino-Japanese friendship. More importantly, it is to provide more protection for Hu Youping’s family.

Strictly speaking, no citizen should be subjected to online violence, and any citizen subjected to online violence should be protected by law. However, it is undeniable that compared with ordinary citizens, Martyrs and their families enjoy a more suitable legal protection. If Hu Youping is rated as a “Martyr”, her memory will be protected by the “Heroes and Martyrs Law”. Those online violence behaviours that distort, vilify, blaspheme, and deny Hu Youping’s deeds and chivalrous spirit will be deemed as violating the law. If such behaviour constitute a crime, then the perpetuators will be held criminally responsible – in accordance with the law.

In addition, according to the “Martyrs Commendation Regulations”, the standard for Martyr Commendation Compensation is 30 times the per capita disposable income of urban residents in the previous year – when the Martyr died. In addition to enjoying the Martyr Commendation Compensation, the Martyrs’ families who fall within the scope of the “Work Injury Insurance Regulations” and related regulations also enjoy a one-time work-related Death Allowance and a Special Allowance for Martyrs’ families equivalent to 40 months’ salary of the Martyr concerned. In addition, the Martyrs’ families also enjoy preferential treatment in medical care, education, employment, housing and other aspects.

In the face of Hu Youping’s natural act of upholding humanity, any honorary title for her unfortunate death will seem light and flimsy. Some comments say that Hu Youping saved the “face” of the City of Suzhou. I believe that those Suzhou citizens who sent flowers to the Bus Stop where Hu Youping died also accepted that Hu Youping saved their face. Such a person who died for Suzhou’s face, such a person who gave her life for Sino-Japanese friendship, such a person who was brave but was called a “traitor” – Suzhou should give her and her family the honour and treatment she deserves. Hu Youping saved part of Suzhou’s face, and the rest of the face will have to be earned by Suzhou itself.

Chinese Language Text:

2024-06-28 15:56














