Striking the US!

China: War Games Will Increase to Match US Criminality! (26.5.2024)

He also said in a China Media Group report that the troops will, with strong determination, firm will and strong capabilities, resolutely strike against the rampant “Taiwan independence” forces, firmly crush all separatist schemes, and staunchly defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

According to the report, upon receiving orders, missile units from a Rocket Force brigade immediately moved from concealed standby areas to their designated positions. Dozens of launch units subsequently initiated simulated fire strikes.

Li Dawei, a soldier from the brigade, said, “We maintain a high state of alert at all times, … resolutely carrying out various tasks, and decisively thwarting any form of ‘Taiwan independence’ attempt.”

Zhong Houtao, a Taiwan affairs expert at the University of International Relations, said that the military exercises are a clear warning to Lai and “Taiwan independence” separatist forces.

Joe Louis Destroys the Nazi Max Schmeling!

The Great Joe Louis Took-On – and Finally Defeated – Hitlerism During the 1930s! (26.5.2024)

Joe Louis appears to be functioning on a totally different psychological and physical plane of existence! Max Schmeling made much of the Nazi regime’s ideology and symbolism – giving the impression that his “race” was the prime-mover behind his earlier win over Joe Louis! Joe Louis was well-trained and mentally focused upon the task at hand! He understood that the whole world was watching to see if Hitler’s “racism” or Joe Louis’s “hard work” would win the day! Joe Louis made such a statement on that day that the world is still resonating from the ideological power of his punches! Two-weeks later, Max Schmeling had to be carried onto a ship bound for Germany whilst still lying upon a stretcher due to a broken vertebrae in his lower back.

Cotton Production in Xinjiang!

Chandran Nair: White Racism Behind West’s “Anti-China” Hysteria! (26.5.2024)

Nair pointed out that the negative reports in the Western media that there are “Concentration Camps” for ethnic minorities in Xinjiang are “complete lies” and “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist’s mind to see through them.” In Yuli County, Xinjiang, cotton farmers conduct spring sowing operations (photo taken on March 29, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Zhao Before Eid al-Fitr, Nair posted a video on social media showing how Muslims in different countries celebrate Eid al-Fitr. It started with a scene in Xi’an, China. “When I shared this video with some friends, they actually asked, ‘This is China?'” Nair’s reply to his friends was – “You should really go to China and see it with your own eyes.” “More non-Western sources are needed”!

British Inspired Massacres!

Indonesia “Too Close” to China – British Government Incited an Anti-Chinese Massacre! (26.5.2024)

Soe Tjen Marching is a lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. Her father was persecuted and imprisoned by the Indonesian military. She said that the actions against the Chinese in 1965 “led to a large extent to generating lethal levels of suspicion and discrimination between Chinese and non-Chinese Indonesians. Therefore, the British government urgently needs to apologize.”

Tabor’s Steve Alston said his organization was “appalled that the UK government is involved in a disinformation campaign that incites violence”. Tabor is an NGO that monitors Human Rights issues in Indonesia. Alston said: “Faced with this evidence, the UK government must now commit to launching an investigation by an independent prosecutor and completing it within 18 months.”