Zionist Propaganda Image

Palestine: Zionist Neo-Nazi Propaganda Defies ICJ ‘Genocide’ Ruling! (30.1.2024)

Zionist Propaganda Image
Zionist Propaganda Image Defies ICJ ‘Genocide’ Ruling!

Despite the (UN) International Court of Justice (ICJ) finding the Zionists guilty of ‘Genocide’ during its Interim findings – those very sane Zionists are continuing to commit these Neo-Nazi atrocities on a daily basis with the support of the US, UK, and the EU. Furthermore, as a ‘punishment’ for the UN daring to confront and condemn Zionist ‘Genocide’ – Zionist Israel has concocted a false allegation concerning members of UNRWA supposedly contributing to the October 7th ‘breakout’. Zionist Israel, we may remind ourselves, has killed well-over 100 UN employees during its IDF rampage – the highest number of UN losses ever sustained in any conflict! Once again, the Zionist Neo-Nazis have convinced the world that their criminality is acceptable whilst resistance to it – is unacceptable!

Meanwhile, the Zionists are treating kidnapped Palestinian men, women and children as sub-human ‘Prisoners’. In the photograph above, ordinary Palestinian captives are illegally blindfolded and shackled hand and foot – whilst they are ‘forced’ to bow in-front of a (fascist) ‘Star of David’ flag and an Arabic inscription which reads –  فَأَخَذَهُمُ الطُّوفَانُ وَهُمْ ظَالِمُونَ – or ‘The Floods Will Wash Over Them for Their Sins!’ Just out of view are heavily armed IDF soldiers threatening to shoot-dead any Palestinian captive who refuses to obey. The Arabic text is extracted from the second-half of the 14th Verse of Surat Al-Ankabot (The Spider Surat) contained in the Holy Qur’an.

This is from the Biblical story of ‘Noah’ and the ‘Flood’. The Arabic word for ‘Flood’ is ‘توفان’ (or ‘Tufan’) – a play on words derived from a distorted (Zionist) sense of apparent ‘humour’. This Zionist perversion derives from the idea that Hamas chose the designation of ‘Tofan Al-Aqsa’ – or ‘Flood of Al-Aqsa’ – as the name of the Concentration Camp ‘Breakout’ successfully carried-out during October 7th, 2024. The criminal Israelis are seemingly generating a propaganda photograph designed to be spread across the Arab-world – and generate both ‘fear’ and ‘outwage’! Around 800 Israelis were killed and wounded on October 7th – primarily by the IDF applying the ‘Hannibel Directive’ – which requires the immense killing of anything that moves. In return for this ‘fake’ massacre – the IDF have killed around 30,000 Palestinian men, women and children whilst wounding over 70,000!