People's Democratic Republic of Yemen

South Yemen: Saluting the Bravery of the Yemeni People! (18.12.2023)

People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen 1967-1990

As a British person, I admire and respect those who stand-up to tyranny – regardless of the cost – and even if the odds are immensely stacked against those who resist fascism! This is why the world should take notice of Yemen – the ONLY – Arab nation that has stood-up against Israeli Neo-Nazism despite Yemen being a small country possessing a modest military capability! Remember, even before the Israeli-fascists deliberately murdered Roman Catholics – the Zionists had been routinely murdering Palestinian men, women, and children! Palestinians, of course, might be atheist or religionist – but they are all human. It is exactly this ‘humanity’ of the Palestinian people that the Zionist world DENIES. Never forget that the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen was the ONLY Socialist (Communist) State in the Middle East – with many of those ‘Internationalist’ attitudes still existing today!

Yemen has my full respect and support. Just as Israeli soldiers murder their own citizens – blaming the atrocities upon the Palestinians – there is no reason to assume that the US, UK or one of their proxies will not attack Yemen for their collective bravery. Of course, Persian ‘Iran’ has always stood with the Palestinians, but the lack of moral and material support for the Palestinians in general is in itself a CRIME. The IDF assists all those fascists who want to rape and kill Palestinian people – protecting these thugs by force of arms – often filming the atrocities whilst occasionally joining in with the sexual assault. These abuse videos are then uploaded by IDF soldiers onto extremist and dark net websites.

And yet – Yemen still resists. Although Qatar (which administers the anti-China Al Jazeera News Channel) assists Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel in their attack upon ‘Socialist’ Syria (meaning Qatar is an ally of Israel) – Israel has murdered journalists working for Al Jazeera, despite that network not being as outspoken against IDF atrocities as it could be in Palestine. How does Qatar balance its collusion with Israel in Syria whilst appearing to criticise the the Zionists in Palestine? There is a reason why the ceasefires and agreements are allowed to be brokered by Qatar – as it is otherwise a good ally of Israel and a firm mouthpiece for the US in the Middle East via its continuous stream of anti-China racism.