43rd Anniversary (1980) of the Martyrdom of Palestinian Fighter – Taghreed Al-Butma! (3.6.2023)

The heroic Martyr was born in the town of Banir in the District of Ramallah in 1958 – and she joined the ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to exercise her role of Revolutionary struggle in fighting the Zionist enemy and expelling it from our holy land!

She was Martyred in June 1980 – when she was participating in a demonstration within Bethlehem University – where citizens clashed with the Occupation (Zionist) soldiers who opened fire on the demonstration!

Palestine: Latest Zionist Aggression Leaves 33 Martyred & 190 Injured in the Gaza Strip! (18.5.2023)

During yesterday evening, a Cease-Fire Agreement between the Resistance in the Gaza Strip and the Zionist Occupation Army entered into force at exactly ten o’clock in the evening under Egyptian auspices. Egyptian media indicated that the Cease-Fire included the commitment of the Zionist Occupation to stop targeting individual civilians (and demolishing homes) – provided that Egypt works to follow up on the extent of its commitment to implement the Agreement.

Palestine: We Will Avenge the Dear Martyrs of Tulkarm! (7.5.2023)

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine saluted the daring and strength of our Resistance Fighters in the West Bank! The Palestinian youths have risen-up against the Zionist Occupation – as our youth continuously strikes the Occupation and confronts the herds of illegal Zionist settlers!

The Front believes that the escalation of the crimes of the Nazi Zionist Occupation government against our people, including the besieging of villages and cities (and the closing of these Palestinian areas with checkpoints) together with the unleashing of herds of settlers used to attack our citizens – will NOT weaken the will of Resistance among our Palestinian people!

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