When Syria Recognised the DPR & LPR! (14.7.2022)

Following Syria’s recognition of the DPR and the LPR – Zelensky decided to cut-off all diplomatic relations! Syria’s move to ‘recognise’ the DPR and the LPR unfolded around sixteen days before the DPRK formally recognised the DPR and the LPR on July 14th, 2022! This is important as two non-White countries have come forward and are directly supporting Russia in its fight against Western-backed Neo-Nazism in the Ukraine!

What was the Relationship Between North Korea and Ukraine before Severing of Diplomatic Ties? (14.7.2022)

The two countries formally established diplomatic relations in January 1992. North Korea established an embassy in Ukraine in October 1992, but withdrew it in January 1998. Before 2017, the two countries shared certain trade relations. In 2015-2016, Ukraine’s exports to North Korea amounted to $33.7 million and $7.5 million, respectively – with the main exports being flour, grains and rapeseed – according to South Korea’s foreign ministry.

On the Brink of the Third World War (Part I & Part II) By Benes Ayo (11.1.2020) (12.1.2020)

It should be noted that Soleimani was one of the largest and most iconic military and political figures in Iran. He led the elite Quds Force, responsible for military intelligence and special operations outside of Iran itself. In addition, Soleimani has been actively involved in the Syrian conflict, supporting the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. Soleimani visited Moscow four times during 2015-2016, urging Russia to expand its military presence in Syria. Putin has called Soleimani “my friend Kasem” several times. There is evidence that it was Soleimani who pushed the Kremlin to launch a military operation in Syria on the side of the legitimate government.

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