The Issue of Zionism and Israel

Zionism, on the other hand, should not be confused with Jewish theology. Zionism is not Jewish theology, but Zionism is Eurocentric nationalist racism that assumes a ‘racial’ superiority for predominantly ‘White’ Jewish people of European descent. This has led to government policy in Israel openly discriminating against Jewish people of non-European descent (as can be seen with the treatment of the Ethiopian Jews), which has led to a racial hierarchy of ‘Jewishness’ in Israel premised upon ‘worth’ denoted entirely by skin-colour.

A Clear Example of Zionism

The Palestinians have been kept in a state of arrested economic and industrial development since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The Israeli state receives unconditional support from the Judeo-Christian influenced USA, and their European allies. This essentially renders Israel exempt from the strictures (and punishments) usually associated with International Law, as the international community refuses to hold Israel to account for its many military and paramilitary actions that are a clear violation of Human Rights.

Palestine and the Asymmetric Value of Life

Any attack upon Israel, or Israeli interests, is automatically interpreted by the Israeli state as being motivated by ‘anti-Semitic’ sentiment, and no distinction is made between these acts, and those that are genuinely ‘revolutionary’ in nature. This is how the propaganda of the Israeli state deliberately conflates and confuses genuine anti-Semitism with genuine revolution.

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