US War Crimes in Russia!

DPRK: Neo-Nazi Ukraine Commits New Atrocity in Russia! (27.6.2024)

Therefore, the true colors of the U.S. as the one directly involved in the Ukrainian dispute and worst sponsor of terrorism have become crystal clear and it has been fully proved that the weapons supplied by the U.S. to Ukraine have been used to massacre peaceable citizens of Russia.

Hideous crimes deserve severe punishment.

The U.S., which has become directly involved in the Ukrainian war, has nothing to say against any punishment by Russia and the retaliatory attack will be the most legitimate self-defence.

We will always be on the side of the Russian army and people all out in the war of justice for defending the national sovereign rights and security.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Ukrainian Terrorist Attack Prevented – NKVD Stopped Attempt on the Life of the Head of the Crimea! (3.5.2023)

According to the FSB, six members of the Ukrainian Intelligence Group were detained – Viktor Podvalny, Alexander Litvinenko, Sergei Krivoshein, Konstantin Yevmenenko, Igor Zorin and Sergei Voinarovsky. As Sergei Aksyonov later stated, the captured Ukrainian terrorists were also involved in sabotage on the railway tracks in the Bakhchisarai region. “This is the same group that blew up the railway tracks in the Bakhchisarai region. There is no doubt that the masterminds of the crime are in Kyiv. Neo-Nazi Ukraine is a Terrorist State!” the politician said.

The detainees were found to have an impressive arsenal: five explosive devices already prepared for use, detonators, GPS trackers for tracking and radio-controlled mechanisms. The “geography” of the saboteurs is also noteworthy – explosives for bombs disguised as electric stoves were smuggled along a channel organized by the Nao-Nazi Ukrainian Special Services – through Georgia and Turkey. The terrorists themselves also had a Bulgarian passport belonging to citizen Petranov – who was

DPR: International Workers’ Day (May 1st) – was Celebrated in Gorlovka! (2.5.2023)

This process is both ‘legal’ and ‘lawful’ – and that the US interpretation of the situation is ‘wrong’ and the US support for the Neo-Nazi regime (Obama put into power during 2014) is illegitimate and unwanted! What this means is that the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian presence in Donbass is now ‘illegal’ and ‘unlawful’ – and that the now ‘Independent’ and ‘sovereign’ nations of the DNR and LNR have every right to ‘expel’ the Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Forces – and to request Russian military action to assist in this objective! Where this process has been achieved – the local inhabitants have been able to celebrate May 1st – as the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians had originally ‘banned’ it – and implemented the US ‘Labor Day’ (‘Labour’ is spelt ‘wrong’ in the US) which happens in September and is designed to recognise the control of the workers by the all-poweful Management – the exact opposit of the ‘Socialist’ May 1st celebration!

The Stupidity of Marjorie Greene Taylor – Walking on the Wild Side! (6.4.2023)

Trump is a fascist and a Neo-Nazi – as he does not discriminate between each variant of the same ‘White’ ideology. What is interesting is how Trump (and Majorie Greene Taylor) both support Russia in its conflict with Neo-Nazi Ukraine! Why is this? Whereas Marjorie Greene Taylor’s Wikipedia page reads like Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ – right in the middle of this utter stupidity all of a sudden clear thinking occurs regarding Russia! Surely, this is an example of true facts hidden in plain sight! Her racist views regarding ‘China’ and the ‘Communist Party’ are juxtaposed with her Islamophobic attitudes whilst wedged in the middle is an exact and precise analysis of the Russian situation but minus one vital fact – namely that the ‘Black’ President Obama overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014 – and instigated a vicious Neo-Nazi alternative! This was intended to move NATO through Ukraine and onto the geographical borders of Russia! Of course, ethnic Russian people in the Crimea voted by 97% to secede from the Ukraine and rejoin Russia – and armed uprisings occured in the Donbass area of East Ukraine (a small geographical area of sovereign Ukraine) out of protest to this US policy.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Tories Deploy SBS Units – Russia Halts Grain Deal! (31.10.2022)

‘Miniature submarines designed for use in similar sabotage operations are in service with the Royal Navy’s Special Boat Service (SBS) of Great Britain. The British Tories could very well have ordered this terrorist operation by deploying one of these submarines to the area. In London, a change of power is currently underway and the new King (Charles III) has probably not been informed about the plans (and operations) of MI6.’

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