Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2023 released by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China.

State Council Information Office: Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States! (7.6.2024)

According to a 2022 report by InSight Crime, the flow of illegal guns from the U.S. into the Caribbean has led to a rising murder rate in the region.

According to a survey report released on the website of the Pew Research Center on June 28, 2023, gun violence is widely recognized as a major and growing national problem, with 58 percent of respondents in favour of stricter gun control laws and more than 60 percent of American adults believing that gun violence is a major national problem in the U.S. today.

However, American politicians ignore the international community and the public call for gun control, only for money and political self-interest, so that the proliferation of guns in the country cannot be effectively controlled.

Arthur Gibson - Medals - WWII

Royal Navy Patrol Service: 80th Anniversary of D-Day! (6.6.2024)

This idea stems from the small English ships that got amongst the impressive Spanish Galleons of the Spanish Armada which was defeated in late 1588. My grandfather spoke of the Soviet sailors – male and female – that staffed many of the Convoy Ships who would throw bars of chocolate onto the British ships as they sailed by as a means of saying “Thank You”! The German U-Boats reeked havoc on all British shipping – particularly in the North Atlantic. I do not agree with the current trend of US and British youth who mistakenly eulogise the Navy German Navy – fixating upon the U-Boat section – whilst ignoring the brave sailors of the British Navy. The Navy German Navy committed War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity and should not be raised to a level of admiration and respect. Thank you to the RNPS for protecting the UK during WWII!

Winged Pegasus - 1944

80th D-Day Commemoration – Remembering the British & Soviet Sacrifice! (6.6.2024)

Specifically, the troops of the 1st Buckinghamshire (Light Bobs) Battalion of the Ox & Bucks Light Infantry (Territorials) – my grandfather’s Unit (he was part of an Anti-Tank Platoon) – intended to relieve D Company (Glider Troops) of the 2nd Battalion of the Ox & Bucks Light Infantry (Professional). My grandfather at one-point was barracked in Bovey Tracy in Devon – whilst his Unit trained around the Exeter Canal System – due to this place possessing a similar structure to that of the Canal System of Caen. This could have been to familiarise the “Light Bobs” with the Caen area they were supposed to advance toward from Sword Beach. This could have been my grandfather’s route into France – but I possess his shoulder badge – which is a Winged Pegasus (worn by Glider Troops). Whatever the case, his Unit was wiped-out and he fought on in the hedge-rows of France – fighting Vichy French and Nazi Germans.

Anti-Zionist Protests - US!

US: UC Irvine Academic Workers Join Strike Over Suppression of Pro-Palestinian Protests! (6.6.2024)

The union’s members voted last month to authorize a strike to protest the university’s controversial response to pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus, which they said has caused unsafe work conditions and violated their free speech rights.

The first UC campus that stood up and withheld labor was UC Santa Cruz where academic workers walked off the job on May 20. The walkout spread to UC Los Angeles and UC Davis on May 28, and further expanded to two more campuses, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara, on Monday.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been spreading at colleges and universities across the United States amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. Hundreds were arrested in crackdowns on pro-Palestinian protests and encampments on UC campuses across the state. Around 50 people were arrested on May 15 during police crackdown on a pro-Palestinian protest encampment at UC Irvine.

Eye-Care in Socialist China!

China’s Continuous Battle Against Blindness! (6.6.2024)

While the absolute number of specialized doctors in retinal fundus diseases is not insignificant, it remains relatively small compared to the increasing demand from patients, Xu said.

To address the problems, the National Clinical Research Center for Ocular Diseases and related associations have established standardized retinal fundus disease diagnosis and treatment processes and scientific management models for chronic retinal diseases in over 1,000 medical institutions nationwide.

“We need to further promote innovation in retinal fundus disease diagnosis and treatment management models, conduct precise early screening, and enhance comprehensive disease management,” Xu said.

Wil a Hung Parliament Be Achieved?

UK: Independent Left & Right Strive for Hung Parliament! (5.6.2024)

What will happen? Interestingly, both the left and right are looking to achieve a Hung Parliament within which no single Party possesses over-all control. This would mean that the “Independents” would exercise an inordinate amount of political power and influence – prevent Labour, the Tories and the LibDems from following their usual neo-con policies in perfect sync with the US. It would also prevent the LibDems from attempting to take the UK back into the European Union (EU) – and hinder a UK government from continuously giving-up sovereignty to an out of control Brussels. Whether this scenario will play-out – only time will tell. As matters stand, a right-wing Labour Party looks like winning as a replacement for a failing right-wing Tory Junta that has spent its time placating the US and pursuing an obvious BJP trajectory!

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