Mass Graves Are Everywhere in Gaza!

UN: Israeli-Inflicted “Mass Graves” in Gaza to be Investigated! (30.4.2024)

“I am deeply alarmed by reports that mass graves have been discovered in several locations in Gaza, including Al Shifa Medical Complex and Nasser Medical Complex. In Nasser alone, over 390 bodies have reportedly been exhumed,” he said.

There are competing narratives around several of these mass graves, including serious allegations that some of those buried were unlawfully killed, he told reporters. “It is imperative that independent international investigators, with forensic expertise, are allowed immediate access to the sites of these mass graves, to establish the precise circumstances under which hundreds of Palestinians lost their lives and were buried, or reburied.”

East Germany Guards JV Stalin!

JV Stalin Says “Happy Workers’ Day”! William Shakespeare Says Soviet Beauty Shines On! (1.5.2024)

Toppled statues lay in deconstructed heaps – but the meaning such devices represent carries-on regardless into the uncharted future. Objects can be smashed – that is easy – but equally new objects can be designed and constructed – this is a matter of collective action and progressive thought. It does not really matter what William Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote Sonnet 55 – when I heard it today in both Old and New English – it struck me that he had perceived a deeper (hidden) meaning in passing outward structures. Structures that by there very nature, must, at one point or another, pass away into oblivion. But there is hope of a re-birth – even if the Bard couches this reality in the terms of “Judgement day”!

William Cecil - Closet Revolutionary!

The Lord Burghley – William Cecil (1520-1597) – Closet Revolutionary! (30.4.2024)

To remedy this situation, during March 1563, William Cecil drafted a “Bill for the Succession” designed for Parliament to debate and pass (as an “Act”) providing it received Royal Assent. Cecil suggested that if Elizabeth I died suddenly with no direct (or suitable) heirs, the Crown (and all its powers) should be temporally transferred to the Privy Council (effectively making England a “Republic”). Whilst this was happening, the English Parliament was to sit, discuss and then “vote” for the most suitable candidate to ascend to the throne – thus creating an “Elected Monarchy”! If this idea had been successful – virtually everything earned during the English Civil Wars of the 1640s would have been peacefully achieved around 80-years earlier! As matters transpired, Elizabeth I quashed the Bill by refusing to allow it to be discussed – or move to the voting and assenting stages.

Russia rejects US Warmongering!

DPRK: Russia Rejects US Attempt at Militarising Space! (30.4.2024)

The hegemonic attempt of the U.S. to militarize outer space and turn it into a war theatre is a principal threat to global peace and security at present.

Given that the U.S. is bringing its space forces massively to the Korean peninsula and its vicinity to speed up its space militarization whose ultimate goal is pre-emptive nuclear attack, the space development project, including military satellite launch, is a strategic choice indispensable for guaranteeing our country’s security, interests and right to existence.

The National Aerospace Technology Administration of the DPRK will invariably carry on its important duty, as planned, to strictly monitor and grasp the ever-escalating military manoeuvres and aggression attempts of the U.S. and other hostile forces in outer space and all other spheres and to enhance the space reconnaissance capabilities for creditably ensuring the national security. (End)

US War Mongering!

DPRK: US Supplies “Long-Range Missiles” to Defeated Neo-Nazi Ukraine! (30.4.2024)

The U.S. has stepped up its military aids to Ukraine since the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, as evidenced by its transfer of depleted uranium bombs, cluster bombs and MBTs to the Zelenskiy regime. This time it has adopted such a mean policy as offering even long-range missiles for attacking the Russian territory to their lackeys in a bid to turn the tide of the war recently running against them more seriously than ever.

Long-range missiles offered by the U.S. will never tip the scale in favour of Ukraine on the battlefield but result in fanning the reckless confrontational hysteria of the Zelenskiy puppet clique.

The current U.S. administration boasts that its supply of long-range missiles to Ukraine will make the U.S. safer but it is a matter of time for the world to see the U.S. getting more vulnerable and Washington’s defeat on the Ukrainian battlefield.

The U.S. can never defeat the heroic Russian army and people with any latest weaponry or military support. (End)

US Students Protests Israeli Genocide!

Palestinian Universities: “Solidarity Letter” – Sent to Students & Faculty in US Gaza Academic Institutions Encampments! (30.4.2024)

The situation in Palestine has reached increased genocidal levels, marked by the mass targeting of Palestinian life by killing and displacement; the destruction of social, cultural, and all educational institutions; and the aim to reduce Palestinians to bare life with no political and collective future, added the letter.

“You are leaders in the call for justice with your bodies on your university campuses and in the streets, speaking truth and justice loud and clear. You stand for the courage that is needed to take action strongly for justice and freedom and determinedly against systems of genocide and racism.”

“We know the risks you are taking in the face of the repressive measures that are taken against university spaces built on challenging the powers benefitting from silence.” Added the letter.