Five Eyes Spying Network!

Five Eyes: Cyberattack Accusations ‘Irresponsible’! (9.4.2024)

The real objective of the accusations is to check China’s peaceful development by engaging it in conflicts, said Zamir Ahmed Awan, founding chair of Global Silk Route Research Alliance and a nonresident fellow at the Beijing-based Center for China and Globalization.

“However, they cannot do it alone. That’s why the U.S. and the UK are ganging up against China and making alliances with many countries to drag them in an anti-China campaign.

“These actions might harm the bilateral relations with both Australia and New Zealand to some extent, even though China understands the conspiracy, and will not overreact to them,” he said.

Chen said authorities in Australia and New Zealand should evaluate their relationships with China in the long run, rather than blindly following U.S. actions to spread disinformation. “As Sino-Australian and Sino-New Zealand ties are on the rise, it is important for the two countries to take more responsible measures to collaborate with China.”

Awan said, “The world is fed up with U.S. hegemony and already many countries have expressed their serious concerns.”

Foward Brave Wporkers!

DPRK: Intensive Inspirational Agitation Campaign Led by Women’s Union Organizations! (9.4.2024)

Union “Artistic Motivation” team members in Kumchon and Pongsan counties have staged positive agitation events at the construction site for Regional-Industry Factories in Unpha County – designed to “redouble” (through ideological vigour and inspiration) the working morale of soldier-builders!

Union members in the city of Sariwon have instilled “Strength” and “Courage” into the working people through dynamic and unique “agitation-propaganda” carried out during the morning rush hour!

Union officials and members in other areas of the province gave agitation performances at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and farms

Only Full UN Membership Will Prevent Zionist Genocide!

UN Security Council: Palestine’s UN Membership Application Revisited! (9.4.2024)

Admission to UN membership requires a two-thirds majority at the General Assembly.

Palestine is currently a non-member observer state of the United Nations.

In 1974, the General Assembly adopted Resolution 3237, approving the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as an observer. In December 1988, the assembly acknowledged the proclamation of the State of Palestine and decided that Palestine should be used in place of the PLO, maintaining Palestine in the non-state observer category.

In July 1998, the General Assembly elevated Palestine to a status higher than all other observers. In November 2012, the General Assembly adopted a resolution to accord Palestine the status of a non-member observer state of the United Nations.