Morning Star - Old Testament

The Biblical Origin of the Term “Morning Star”! (1.4.2024)

A major stumbling block with this allusion – if it is linked to Socialism – is that the “Morning Star” (or the two separate and distinct deities of “Daystar” and “Dawn”) – are linked by the early Jews with “evil” and the “Devil”. This association is particularly strong within Christianity. It is the deliberate demonisation of Phoenician religion for no other reason than it is not ‘Jewish’. The reason that I suspect that Trotskyism is the key to the association of “Morning Star” within Socialism lies in the fact that this ideology is deliberately deceptive and anti-worker in nature. Whilst pretending to be Revolutionary and progressive – all Trotskyites work behind the scenes to defeat Marxist-Leninism and keep the workers firmly enslaved within the capitalist system. All is “entryism” and nothing else matters. Trotskyism is a new form of materially premised religion – a religion which perceives genuine Revolutionary activity as bring from the Devil!