Zionist Murder of British

Kill Chain: US & Israeli (Hisul Memukad) Barbarism – Murder Disguised as “Foreign Policy”! (5.2.2024)

An Excellent Piece of Investigative Journalism Exposing US and Israeli Barbarism Disguised as ‘Foreign Policy’!

Americans – those with a modicum of objectivity – tend to see-through the system that has spawned them. To a lesser or greater degree, such individuals expose the ‘anti-intellectualism’ of this system – with many stopping just short of identifying and blaming predatory capitalism as being sole prime-mover behind it all! Institutional capitalism habitually kills – whilst individual capitalists kill to preserve the advantages this system has granted them (through blood-spilled). In this respect – America and Israel are identical ‘White’ colonising identities claiming ‘free land’ from those indigenous inhabitants who happen to have been born upon it. Free land, hypocritically, is the fuel that drives the engine of modern capitalism!

Land that is free today will be ‘sold’ and ‘rented’ tomorrow so as to generate a substantial profit. Meanwhile, those whose ancestors settled their lands thousands of year ago are murdered, raped, maimed and enslaved – as their bodies become yet another form of fuel for the predatory capitalist system! The Zionist terrorists who murdered British and Palestinian people – did not suffer in the European Holocaust against the Jews, Disabled, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Dissidents, Race-Mixers and Communists! Indeed, in the early years of Hitler’s power – the Zionists in Palestine had very good relations with Nazi Germany!

The Picture above is of two British soldiers ‘hanged’ by the Zionists – ‘to teach the British a lesson’ – when the same ‘British’ were standing up to Hitler on their own (1939-1941)! Ultimately, whilst the Zionist terrorists continued to assist the Fascist countries by killing British soldiers – it was the British Army and Soviet Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army that saved what was left of European Jewry – very few of whom were murderous ‘Zionists’! What follows below is extracted from the book entitled ‘Kill Chain’ by Andrew Cockburn – and describes exactly how the Zionists a) commit acts of terrorism and b) manipulate the legal systems of the world so as to make themselves appear to be the victim – whilst ‘legitimising’ the ‘crimes’ the Israeli State has committed!