Boycott McDonalds Zionism! 2024

Boycotting US-Funded Zionism – STOP McDonalds Giving-Out “Free Meals” to Genocide-Committing IDF Soldiers!

The Western media routinely “lies” about what is and is not going on in the world simply because the reporting of the news is a prime factor of class war. Human-beings are remarkably easy to influence, brain-wash and misdirect. As Hitler proved – controlling what type of news that is perpetuated by the State-controlled and class-controlled media comprised of print, audio and visual broadcasts – set the agenda for the tome of the regime. I am being informed that around 3,000 IDF soldiers have been killed and around 11,000 wounded in their naked aggression against the Palestinians. Hamas, of course, did not start this war – the Zionists (and world community – including the USSR) did that in 1947-1948 by recognising and empowring the Zionists – with the USSR being the first country in the world to recognise the Zionist’s ‘illegal’ declaration of independece! All Hamas has done is led a mass breakout of an Israeli constructed “Concentration Camp” – a fact entirely and completely ignored by the Western media.

To the credit of Joseph Stalin – he did realise by 1953 (following the bombing of the Soviet Embassy in Tel Aviv) that Zionist Israel was a mass-murdering Fascist State – and he did cut-off all diplomatic relations with Israel in that year. The traitor Khrushchev, however, soon re-established diplomatic relations with Zionist Israel – but this only lasted until 1967 – when the USSR (and the Communist Bloc) cut-off diplomatic relations with Zionist Israel and this remained the Soviet position until its collapse in 1991. Modern (capitalist) Russia possesses no problem working with Zionist Israel – despite IDF Volunteers openly fighting for Neo-Nazi Ukraine! However, in 1975, the USSR led a movement in the UN that passed a Resolution recognising that Zionist ideology is in fact a form of White Supremacy developed by White (German) and secular Jews in 1880s Germany! The type of Zionism practiced today is unadulterated fascism practiced by White racists.

Of course, in the old days prior to the founding of Zionist Israel, many Jewish people across the world (including Albert Einstein) adhered to a left of centre Zionism that confronted and reacted to the rise of world fascism and the systematic persecution of the Jews. Later, after the founding of Zionist Israel, this type of Zionism was replaced with a White (colonial) fascism that even oppresses Orthodox or Religious Jews. This led to Albert Einstein publicly criticising and rejecting modern Zionism – equating it with German Nazism – as he opposed the Zionist persecution of the Palestinians. McDonalds, of course, is a multi-billion dollar operation that, like Disney, deliberately brainwashes our children whilst exploiting its workers and taking advantage of working-class poverty to sell sub-standad tripe as cheap food! Inbetween bouts of committing ‘genocide’ in Gaza – the Management of McDonalds has decided to give free food and drink to these murdering criminals! The point is that this is not a new policy – as McDonalds has been pursuing this policy for quite sometime! A beautiful sight today is seeing entire McDonalds Outlets being entirely EMPTY! Long Live the BDS Movement!  #GazaGenocide

The Soviet Red Army Freed Millions of Jews from the Nazi German Death Camps!