Missing Person – Chinese-American Nancy Ng (吴南希) – Last Seen in Guatemala! (25.11.2023)

Translator’s Note: Guatemala became the first country to experience ‘regime change’ at the hands of the post 1945 US during 1956 – when the Guatemalan people democratically elected a Socialist Government into power. The US militarily destroyed this popular government and introduced an endless flow of right-wing Juntas – turning the country (like Porta Rica) into a hedonistic playground for predominately White American males (including sex trafficking and child sexual abuse). Indeed, one theory involves the suggestion that Nancy Ng – as a beautiful Chinese woman – has been kidnapped and sex-trafficked.

The ‘White’ Americans that Nancy Ng was with when she attended a Yoga Retreat quickly left the country once it was discovered Nancy Ng was ‘missing’ (without paying for the Kayaks they had used) – and colluded to present a united front of ‘silence’ in the face of questions from Law Enforcement and the concerned family of Nancy Ng. This deliberate deception included ‘Christina Blazek’ – a San Bernadino County Public Defender (Lawyer) – who was kayaking alongside Nancy Ng at the time she went missing – but who is at pains to emphasise that she was actually NOT with Nancy Ng at the time!

The obvious Eurocentric racism and corruption exposes the ‘White’ dominance that defines the US System – which attempts to placate this reality by promising endless wealth to those it oppresses. As to the Chinese ethnic background of the ‘Ng’ (吴) family – a surname which is pronounced ‘Wu’ in Putonghua – denotes that their ancestors derive from Fujian province – although, of course, I have no way of knowing how long ago this association existed. ACW (25.11.2023)

A Chinese Woman Disappeared in a Popular Tourist Attraction in a Foreign Country!

Search and Rescue Turns to Criminal Investigation!

China Overseas Network

2023-07-11 13:58

Nancy Ng, a young Chinese woman from Monterey Park in Southern California, has not been seen since October 19th (2023) when after kayaking on Lake Atitlan, a popular tourist attraction in Guatemala.

Nancy Ng not been seen since kayaking on Lake Atitlan – a popular tourist spot in Guatemala. According to US Press Reports, Nancy Ng’s family is eager to find the 29-year-old woman, who is said to have disappeared during a Yoga Retreat in Guatemala.

Nikki Ng – Nancy Ng’s sister – said: “The past two weeks have been like hell on earth. When we first heard the news that she was missing, we had so many questions.”

According to media reports, Nancy Ng was a Law Student at California State University and now helps Students with Disabilities in the Alhambra Unified School District. She was reported missing on October 19th (2023) – but it is unclear exactly when she disappeared.

Due to the unclear nature of the situation – Nancy Ng’s family has hired professionals to carry out search and rescue efforts around Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.

Chris Sharpe, Director of the Guatemala-based “Black Wolf Helicopters” – stated he had searched most of the lake and had found no clues related to Nancy Ng’s disappearance – and he doubted whether Nancy Ng actually went to the lake to Kayak.

Chris Sharpe told reporters that Search and Rescue efforts have now been converted into a Criminal Police Investigation – as the US witnesses who were present at the time of the disappearance – have colluded to not cooperate with investigations whilst withholding evidence and remaining ‘silent’ in the face of questioning.

Nikki Ng further stated: “We are asking if anyone sees anything that can help us, please provide clues to direct us to where to look, because we desperately want to know the whereabouts of our sister. ” According to reports from the American Chinese website, Nancy Ng’s family has set up a GoFundMe website to raise funds for Search and Rescue Operations. Family members said Nancy Ng is the eldest of four siblings and loves adventure, yoga, hiking and traveling. “She has a kind heart, a bright smile and could talk to anyone about anything. She was a loving daughter, a caring sister and a supportive friend,” the family wrote.

Source: Comprehensive report by China Overseas Chinese Network

(ID: qiaowangzhongguo)

Editor: Han Hui (韩辉)

#nancyng #missing #guatemala #kayak #LakeAtitlan #yoga #retreat #吴南希 #411 #chinese #racism

Chinese Language Text:



2023-11-07 13:58

美国南加州蒙特利公园市华裔女孩吴南希(Nancy Ng),自10月19日在危地马拉热门景点阿蒂特兰湖(Lake Atitlan)玩划皮划艇以来,就再也没有出现过。

危地马拉热门景点阿蒂特兰湖(Lake Atitlan)玩划皮划艇以来,就再也没有出现过。

吴南希生前旅游的照片。(来源:美国《侨报》 图片由家人提供)
吴南希的妹妹吴尼琦(Nicky Ng)表示:“过去的两周就像人间地狱,当我们第一次听到她失踪的消息时,我们有很多疑问。”

总部位于危地马拉的黑狼直升机公司的负责人克里斯·夏普(Chris Sharpe)表示,他已经搜索了大部分湖面,没有任何与吴南希失踪有关的线索,因此,他怀疑她是否真的去了湖边划皮划艇。





