Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Dam-Busters Choose ‘June 6th’ to Flood Lost Kherson Area! (17.6.2023)

This seems to be a half-arsed attempt by the Americans to emulate the British WWII Special Forces Raid (‘Operation Chastise’) which involved the so-called ‘Bouncing Bomb’ (skilfully used by the British Royal Airforce – or ‘RAF’) – to destroy two Nazi German dams (on May 16/17, 1943) situated in the Ruhr Valley! As usual, US anti-intellectualism has got history back-to-front and all wrong! During WWII in was the ‘anti-fascists’ (the ‘British’) which destroyed the dam(s) involved – whilst in the contemporary ‘American’ performance – it was the ‘fascists’ (the ‘Ukrainians’) which carried-out not a well-conceived ‘Special Forces’ Raid – but rather a plain old ‘terrorist’ attack designed to check the advance of the successful Russian Forces! Of course, in this back-to-front world – the anti-intellectual forces of the West immediately came to the aid of the dithering US and declared its actions to be a) ‘Russian’, and b) a ‘War Crime’! Perhaps the average Russian will finally realise that the betrayal of Stalin in 1956 – and the Revolution in 1991 – simply were not worth the effort! Very much business as usual!

NATO Terrorism: Serbia & China Commemorate US & UK War Crime! (8.5.2023)

“Twenty-four years have passed, the international situation has undergone tremendous changes, and China and the world have also undergone earth-shaking changes. Although power politics and hegemonism are still the most profound root causes of today’s world turmoil, the forces committed to peaceful development are getting stronger and stronger,” she said.

“Now more and more countries and people agree on the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. I firmly believe that more and more countries and people will unite and work together to build a world of lasting peace and common prosperity,” Chen said.

The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia started on March 24, 1999. Over the course of 78 days, 2,500 people were killed and thousands of people more were wounded, while 25,000 homes and a third of the country’s energy sector were destroyed — often by illegal weapons such as cluster bombs and depleted uranium warheads.

On May 7, 1999, U.S.-led NATO forces carried out a brutal missile attack on the former Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which left three journalists working there dead, more than 20 people injured, and the embassy building severely damaged.

In the place of the ruined embassy building now stands a brand new Chinese Cultural Centre, overlooking two memorial monuments that memorialize the tragedy that took place here 24 years ago.

Alexander Werth: France 1940-1955 – Chapter Two – ‘The French Political Parties and the 1951 Election’ (Pages 514-543)

It was ONLY the French Communists who led a campaign of continuous struggle and sacrifice against the Nazi Germans – and which were willing to co-ordinate this ‘Resistance’ with all Allied efforts to bring-down and defeat Hitler’s Armies in Western Europe! Whilst many ordinary French citizens took-up arms in support of the occupying Nazi Germans (and ‘killed’ liberating British soldiers on D-Day) – the French Communists (and their ‘Internationalist’ Comrades) stood their ground and supported the arriving Allies! For their sacrifice and bravery – the US re-wrote history in its own corrupt image, and falsely presented the Communist Party as a swastika-wearing ogre that did everything in its power to assist Hitler! The truth, as usual, was much different, as it was only the Communist Party that could be relied upon to ‘fight’ and ‘oppose’ fascism, Nazism and all forms of imperialism! With the US, UK and EU now openly supporting the (illegal) Neo-Nazi government of ‘Maidan’ Ukraine – it is yet again the ‘Communist Party’ which is providing a crucial level of support to the Russian efforts of ‘de-Nazifying’ Donbass!

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