Zionist Aggression Ordered to Cease!

International Criminal Court: Israel to Immediately “Cease” Rafah Offensive – Allow “Aid” and “Genocide” Investigation! (24.5.2024)

He added that Israel needed to reopen the Rafah crossing and “ensure the unimpeded access of commissions of inquiry or investigative bodies mandated by the UN to investigate allegations of genocide.”

Judges are “not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken” are “sufficient to alleviate the immense risk” to Palestinians in Rafah, Salam said while noting that Israel “has not provided sufficient information concerning the safety of the population during the evacuation process”.

The ICJ ordered Israel to report to the court within a month on its progress in implementing the measures.

The ICJ, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, stopped short of calling for a full ceasefire today.

Mass Graves Are Everywhere in Gaza!

UN: Israeli-Inflicted “Mass Graves” in Gaza to be Investigated! (30.4.2024)

“I am deeply alarmed by reports that mass graves have been discovered in several locations in Gaza, including Al Shifa Medical Complex and Nasser Medical Complex. In Nasser alone, over 390 bodies have reportedly been exhumed,” he said.

There are competing narratives around several of these mass graves, including serious allegations that some of those buried were unlawfully killed, he told reporters. “It is imperative that independent international investigators, with forensic expertise, are allowed immediate access to the sites of these mass graves, to establish the precise circumstances under which hundreds of Palestinians lost their lives and were buried, or reburied.”

Zionist War Crimes Target Women & Babies!

Zionist War Crimes: Pregnancy and Childbirth in Gaza – Umbilical Cords Torn by War! (23.4.2024)

Since last October 7th 2024, more than 20,000 children have been born in the Gaza Strip, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the majority of them in shelter centres under very harsh conditions, especially with most hospitals being bombed out of service, a shortage of medical staff (many executed by the IDF), and the absence of the basics necessary for the birth process, the simplest of which is Hygiene, which exposes the mother and her child to many health risks, while other women give birth in the streets. Hayat tells us that she gave birth to her baby girl at night in one of the shelters. Her neighbour, a displaced doctor, helped her deliver her foetus by the light of a mobile phone, and cut the umbilical cord with paper scissors.

PFLP Condemns US Warmongering!

Palestine: US [UN] Veto Supports Zionist War Crimes & Genocide! (21.4.2024)

The Palestinian Authority missed many opportunities to possess power cards, squandered the achievements and sacrifices of our people, and ignored all the data that had accumulated on the international scene as a result of its pursuit of humiliating American sponsorship, and continued its absurd approach for many years, which reinforced the Occupation of the land and the policies of Judaization and Settlement.

The Front calls on the countries of the world that stand by the Palestinian people to unite their efforts in continuing to press for fundamental Amendments to the United Nations laws, which guarantee that no country will use its veto to obstruct any decisions that affect the rights of any country struggling for its freedom and defeating the Occupation.

The Popular Front calls on all of humanity and the free people of the world to raise their voices loudly, to condemn the biased American positions, and to press for the trial of the leaders of the American Administration as war criminals, because of their continued commitment of crimes against humanity and their continued sponsorship and support of the Zionist “Genocidal Crimes” against the Palestinian people and the peoples of the world.

Israeli Fascism Has Destroyed Palestine!

UN Human Rights Council: Israeli War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity Condemned! (6.4.2024)

The resolution also calls on states to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel.

Friday’s proposal, which was brought forward by Pakistan on behalf of all Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states except Albania, also called for “an immediate ceasefire” and “for immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance”.

The Palestinian Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Ibrahim Khraishi, expressed approval of the vote but also voiced dissatisfaction with the lack of support from certain Western countries.

Meirav Eilon Shahar, Israel’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, condemned the resolution as a stain on the Human Rights Council and the UN as a whole.

IDF Atrocities!

Palestine: Overcrowded Rafah – Open Prison That Resembles the Day of Judgement! (23.2.2024)

Awad tells Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed: “We no longer care about anything, as anxiety has become an essential part of our daily lives. I walk to the market every day to secure our needs, and every evening I remember my destroyed home and my martyred brothers. We are forced to bear the pressure. I have two children, Ahmed (9 years old) and Ola (8 years old), and they tell me that they long to breathe freely and comfortably, but we do not have this luxury currently, and our day goes from morning to evening in fatigue and anxiety, and we fear that the process will begin again. I worry that the Zionist military forces will come and I lose my children – and then we are busy again getting water and bread.”

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