Boycott McDonalds Zionism! 2024

Boycotting US-Funded Zionism – STOP McDonalds Giving-Out “Free Meals” to Genocide-Committing IDF Soldiers!

Later, after the founding of Zionist Israel, this type of Zionism was replaced with a White (colonial) fascism that even oppresses Orthodox or Religious Jews. This led to Albert Einstein publicly criticising and rejecting modern Zionism – equating it with German Nazism – as he rejected the Zionist persecution of the Palestinians. McDonalds, of course, is a multi-billion dollar operation that, like Disney, deliberately brainwashes our children whilst exploiting its workers and taking advantage of working-class poverty to sell sub-standad tripe as cheap food! Inbetween bouts of committing ‘genocide’ in Gaza – the Management of McDonalds has decided to give free food and drink to these murdering criminals! The point is that this is not a new policy – as McDonalds has been pursuing this policy for quite sometime! A beautiful sight today is seeing entire McDonalds Outlets being entirely EMPTY!

China: Internation Labour Day – May 1st – May – Day – Workers of the World UNITE! (1.5.2023)

Farmer Long Xianxing (R), 85, and his wife return home after work in Yajiao Village of Dongqi Town, Rong’an County, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, April 24, 2023. International Workers’ Day is observed annually on May 1 in China. The sight of every worker’s back prompts images related to effort, progress, practicality, as well as faith in the future. Every worker, no matter how ordinary, deserves a big applause for their every bit of hard work in making themselves a better person and the world a better place. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)