No Historical Evidence of Jewish Enslavement!

Biblical Origin of Judaic Racism & Militarism! (11.5.2024)

Despite the Catholic compilers of this learned edition of the Bible attempting to justify and placate the inherent violence and ignorance inherent in this text – there is NO objective historical evidence that Judaism existed much before 500 BCE – or that the followers of this originally “polytheistic” religion possessed any significant numbers or were ever held captive in Babylon or Egypt! What texts such as the above have done in the past is served to justify the racist ideology of contemporary “Zionism” – declared by the UN in 1975 as a form of “White Supremacy”.

Flight MH370 Awaits Detection!

Flight MH370: 10 Years On – Malaysia May Renew Search! (9.3.2024)

In July 2018, the Malaysian government released a more than 800-page report, noting that the evidence led to an “incontrovertible conclusion” that it was under manual control, and it was deliberately flown out into the Indian Ocean. Until the wreckage is found, it will remain unknown as to who was at the controls of the Boeing 777 during that time. Loke, who was also transport minister at the time, described it as the final and full report.

On condition

Nearly four years after the release of the report, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said during a March 4 state visit to Australia that he would be “happy to reopen” the search for the missing MH370 “if there is compelling evidence”.

Missing Person – Chinese-American Nancy Ng (吴南希) – Last Seen in Guatemala! (25.11.2023)

The ‘White’ Americans that Nancy Ng was with when she attended a Yoga Retreat quickly left the country once it was discovered Nancy Ng was ‘missing’ (without paying for the Kayaks they had used) – and colluded to present a united front of ‘silence’ in the face of questions from Law Enforcement and the concerned family of Nancy Ng. This deliberate deception included ‘Christina Blazek’ – a San Bernadino County Public Defender (Lawyer) – who was kayaking alongside Nancy Ng at the time she went missing – but who emphasises that she was NOT with Nancy Ng at the time!

Palestine: US & UK Support Zionist War Crimes in Storming of Hospital! (16.11.2023)

The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that Palestinian hospitals will continue to bear witness to the unprecedented crimes of the Zionist entity, which have reached a level never practiced by any earlier Occupation or version of colonialism. However, our people are determined to resist it and are steadfast and determined, and will not raise the white flag! Our doctors, patients, and all of our people will remain strong. They will not be intimidated by these crimes, and they will not forgive or forget the complicity of the International Community and International Medical Institutions that turned a blind eye to the targeting of hospitals and the medical system, and the killing of doctors and patients.


The post discusses Alexander Werth’s book “The Year of Stalingrad” which contradicts Hitler’s presumption about non-existence of churches in Stalingrad. It also raises suspicions about the anti-Soviet propaganda spread by Joseph Goebbels, adopted by US ideologues post-1945, where Werth’s work shows the imperfections in such narratives. Werth’s book alternately portrays how the Russian Orthodox Church collaborated with the Soviet State on a non-political spiritual path.

How the BBC ‘Lied’ About Tribal Life – As Part of the Post-2010 Cascade of Tory-Led Establishment Lies! (1.10.2023)

Apparently, as the average ‘White’ person believes that tribal people ‘live up trees’ – the BBC Props Department was flown to Papua New Guinea to ‘construct’ convincing ‘living platforms’ built an impressive one hundred-feet up trees! Stunt Co-Ordinators were flown from the UK to ‘train’ each member of the Korowai people ‘how’ to convincingly climb the trees and to realistically ‘mount’ the platforms! All this information only represents a snapshot of BBC and British State ‘lying’ – and the fact we know about it is due to the ‘poor management’ skills of Chris Patten – rather than the opening-up of any great transparency in the British System!

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