Palestine: Hamas Freedom Fighters Capture Zionist Tank! (7.10.2023)

Meanwhile, the impoverished and poorly armed Palestinians continue to fight back in small but persistant ways. Yes – they die in their thousands – but they bury their dead and they fight on regardless! The Palestinians receive no help and no justice – but every single Palestinian is sure that their cause is just and that victory will eventually be theirs! In wars started and supported by the West – people die. If the West wants fewer Zionists killed in their proxy war – then the US should give the order for Zionists to stop killing Palestinians! Until this happens, the Palestinians will continue to carry out brave military actions against overwhelming odds – and occasionally win – as we see above!

Alexander Werth (1942): The Anti-Religious Lies Told to the Romanian (Fascist) Soldiers! (2.10.2023)

The post discusses the evolution of Church and State separation, highlighting pivotal moments such as the execution of King Charles I, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. The text also underscores similar observations by Marx and Engels in their “Communist Manifesto.” It stresses that religion wasn’t banned but separated from secular politics, evolving into non-influential, private pursuits in contemporary society—like China, Cuba, the US, et cetera. It concludes by criticizing US misrepresentation of religious freedom under Socialism.

China: Red Notice “Fugitive” Returns To Face Music! (13.6.2023)

The anti-corruption authority pledges to further enhance international cooperation in combating corruption, uphold the principle of pursuing fugitives and recovering stolen assets, and maintain an unwavering stance of high pressure in relentless pursuit of fugitives and the recovery of illicit assets until the very end.

The authority advises the fugitives to abandon any illusions, emphasizing that voluntarily returning to their home country and turning themselves in is the only way out.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Aidar Battalion – Vitaly “Medved” Gruzinov! (27.5.2023)

This is Vitaly “Medved” Gruzinov, the militant of the “Aidar” Neo-Nazi Battalion. During the interrogation he told us how his Commander abandoned his men whilst fleeing to Kyiv in order to get his medal – and how the Battalion recruits were virtually ALL convicted criminals! He then tried his best begging for “Forgiveness” after he admitted what the “Aidar” hade made the civilians go through!

Myanmar: Chinese Embassy Rescues Nationals Kidnapped in Telecom Fraud! (16.5.2023)

Law-abiding Chinese Nationals (and Overseas Chinese people) – particularly young women and girls – are advised to take their own security SERIOUSLY whilst living outside of China (with a focus on the usually ‘friendly’ country of Myanmar) due to the despicable behaviour of the certain criminals gangs which practice ‘Human Trafficking’ of female flesh for sexual purposes! Ethnic ‘Chinese’ people are kidnapped from many different places (by ‘Chinese’ and/or ‘non-Chinese’ criminal gangs) – and are ‘ransomed’ back to their families from what are believed to be ‘safe-havens’ in places such as rural Myanmar! However, the Myanmar government has a) given China a ‘Special Permission’ to hunt-down these criminals and ‘rescue’ the victims, and b) where necessary will ‘try’ these criminal gangs under draconian Myanmar Law – carrying-out ‘Death Sentences’ in public and within ‘Ten Minutes’ of such sentences being handed-down by the Myanmar Courts! As these criminals deserve this punishment – the government of the PRC will NOT stand in the way of Myanmar ‘Justice’ and fully supports the right of the Myanmar people to safeguard the security of their borders and the well-being of ethnic Chinese peope!

The Spectres of ‘Dead’ Ukrainians are Haunting Europe! (26.11.2022)

The mental illness recorded on film above, shows an area whereby well-armed and equipped Ukrainian soldiers were killed in earlier battles with Russian (or ‘Allied’) soldiers – with their fully dressed bodies simply being ‘left’. As a consequence, many have skeletonised whilst remaining in their dying positions. As the nature of war tends to produce dead bodies – it might be convincingly argued that this is to be expected – and this would be correct. These soldiers may well have been killed by bullet or bayonet – or perhaps caught on the very edge of some type of explosive power (as their bodies and equipment are fully intact)! What the Russian cameraman states is that this is a fluid frontline area that has seen much hand-to-hand ‘bayonet’ fighting with its occupation (and ‘control’) changing sides on a regular basis. However, what is also observed is that occupying ‘living’ Ukrainian soldiers occupied these entrenched areas whilst sitting, standing and lying next to the corpses of their Comrades who were killed during earlier battles – and whose bodies were NOT recovered or treated with respect in any way by the Ukrainian Forces still with us! Surely this is yet another example of the ‘mental illness’ that the capitalist system has ‘normalised’ and serves as the water the Bourgeoisie take great pleasure in making us all swim within!

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