Rock Samples Return!

China: Chang’e-6 Lunar Module Safely Returns Dark-Side Rock Samples! (26.6.2024)

Lunar samples brought by the earlier Chang’e-5 mission have already drawn applications for access from international scholars, with the process well underway. The Chang’e-6 lunar probe carried four international payloads that were developed jointly by Chinese and foreign scientists. It is conceivable that the openness of Chinese lunar exploration activities will be mirrored in the study of Chang’e-6 lunar samples, said Yang.

The lunar scientific community and the entire humankind are anticipated to reap the rewards of collaborative efforts undertaken by international scientists from a wide range of geographical and disciplinary backgrounds, Yang added.

Zhang Kejian, head of the CNSA, said that exploring the vast universe is a common dream for all of humanity, and only open cooperation is the right path. China’s space endeavors will adhere to the principles of equality and mutual benefit, peaceful utilization, and inclusive development.

Spanish People Support Israel!

UK: Matt Lucas – Zionist Belief and the “Racist” Content of “Little Britain”! (9.6.2024)

Matt Lucas was forced to apologise for “Blacking-Up” in Rock Profile, Little Britain and the odious Come Fly with Me – following the murder of George Floyd by a US Police Officer in 2020 – and the worldwide protests this racially motivated incident unleashed. This happened after he had just published a self-serving biography “DENYING” his actions or motivations were “RACIST”! In 1975, the UN passed a Resolution declaring that “ZIONISM” is a form of White Supremacy practiced by White, middle-class, secular Jews – with the actions and opinions of Matt Lucas certainly confirming this declaration. People like Matt Lucas make money out of us – the Workers. Do not give Matt Lucas – or the likes of Sting, Stephen Fry, Bradley Cooper, Chris Rock, Rita Ora, Taika Waiti, Paul Rudd, Olivia Wilde, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Bella Thorne, Jimmy Carr, Matt Lucas, Zoe Saldana, Will Ferrell, Seth Meyers, Lana Del Ray, Julia Fox, Jordan Peele, David Schwimmer, Adam Levine and Anthony Russo, etc, your money or your time.

Dr Who - 1963

The Beatles: “I Nearly Died!” – the Trials and Tribulations of Ncuti Gatwa! (13.5.2024)

North Korea has done nothing and yet the US militarily terrorises its borders (and passes fallacious “Sanctions” at the UN) – whilst the same US provides Zionist Israel with the weapons it requires to commit genocide in Palestine! Part of the infiltration and invasion of our country (Britain) has been facilitated by the internet. US anti-intellectual has caused a world-wide wave of racist disinformation that has deliberately painted Russia as the enemy – the country that won WWII for us! The last thing we should be doing is “selling” our beloved “Dr Who” to these malignant morons! We need to free our country from ALL American influence! More people like Ncuti Gatwa and less people like White Americans!

O'Brien Trot 2024

Book Review: James O’Brien’s “How They Broke Britain”! (11.5.2024)

A similar distorting pattern can be found in his relentless pro-EU propaganda (a distortion which omits entirely the EU’s “US-inspired” history of manipulation) is thoroughly condescending (ignoring as he does the left-wing opposition to the EU) – whilst his hatchet-job on Jeremy Corbyn seems to be the entire purpose of the book (according to O’Brien, “Zionism” is inherently “good” – and to oppose this UN-recognised form of fascism is “anti-Semitic”, etc) – camouflaged as it is (from both sides) by his “displeasure” with atypical Tory figures (many of these individuals being “non-White” – but with O’Brien careful NOT to be seen as singling them out) he choses to include in his diatribe. O’Brien has plenty to say about David Cameron – but remains “silent” about the UN-recognised killing of at least 120,000 British people with Disabilities (between 2010-2016) – by the “Coalition” of rabid Tories and LibDems! This rate of attrition was achieved (and is still being achieved) through the auspices of ruthless and permanent Tory cuts in the Welfare State, Social Services and National Health Services.

Zionist Human Rights Crime!

Lebanon: Palestinian Resistance Warns UK – NOT – to Support Zionists with Troops! (29.4.2024)

This is something our people and their Resistance are well aware of. At the conclusion of its statement, the Front pledged that the Resistance would confront any presence or interference from any invading State or military force under humanitarian and relief rhetoric, stressing that whoever wants to provide relief to the Palestinian people must press to stop the Zionist aggression, break the siege, and bring in relief aid through the official crossings in the Gaza Strip and under Palestinian management and supervision.

UK Media Supports Israeli Genocide!

Hyphen: “Overwhelming” Bias Revealed in New Report on UK Media’s Coverage of Israel-Palestine Conflict! (15.3.2024)

Researchers at the Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM), an arm of the Muslim Council of Britain, examined nearly 177,000 broadcast clips and 25,515 online news articles published between 7 October and 7 November 2023. The broadcasts were from 13 channels operated by media organisations including Al Jazeera English, the BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Sky News and right wing outlets GB News and TalkTV.

The CfMM report, Media Bias: Gaza 2023-2024, also examined news websites published by 28 media organisations including the New Statesman, Economist, Daily Mail, Sun, Mirror, Independent, Guardian, Times, BBC and iNews.

They found that broadcasters referenced Israeli perspectives almost three times as much as Palestinians (4,311 times vs 1,598), while online news outlets presented Israeli perspectives almost twice as much (2,983 times vs 1,737).

On broadcast channels, “Israel’s right to defend itself” was promoted on 1,482 occasions, while the rights of Palestinians were mentioned 278 times, a ratio of 5 to 1.

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