We Will Resist Imperialism and Capitalism To Our Final Breath!

Full Metal Jacket Movie – the Way We See It! (6.2.2024)

The Viet Cong character, however, comes from an impoverished, feudal village that possesses NO wealth, weaponry or any modern technology. Her country had been dominated and persecuted by the French, Japanese and the Americans for hundreds of years – with even the British Army assisting the French regain control after 1945! Communist China (and perhaps the USSR) gave her an AK-47 Rifle and magazines of ammunition. With these, coupled with Maoist ideology, this brave young girl killed at least three of these foreign invaders whilst wounding many others! Her job was to slow down and disrupt any US military unit that traversed through her area – with little chance of her surviving! We love her because she is a ‘People’s Soldier’ who died for our freedom!

Soviet Weaponry

Gaza: Israeli War Crimes Countered By Hamas Courage! (9.11.2023)

The total number of Palestinian deaths due to Israeli attacks since Oct. 7 has risen to 10,328, including 4,237 children, 2,719 women, and 631 elderly people. Additionally, more than 25,000 others were injured with various degrees of severity, according to the Gaza-based Health Ministry on Tuesday.

On the same day, the government media office announced that Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip with over 30,000 tons of explosives since the outbreak of the deadly conflict on Oct. 7.

Meanwhile, the ground battles continue between Hamas and other resistance factions against the Israeli military, which has announced its intention to target underground tunnels in the northern Gaza Strip and advance towards the heart of Gaza City after isolating the area with troops and tanks.

Iraq (2003): How Zionist-Israel Brutally Assisted the US Invasion! (24.10.2023)

This Zionist (fascist) activity contributed toward the general attitude of ‘Crusade’ held by the far-right Christian troops provided by the US! As a result – tens of thousands of Islamic men and women heeded the call for ‘Jihad’ – a righteous (spiritually) induced self-defence uprising that cost the lives of tens of thousands of brave Iraqi who went into battle carrying old AK-47s – trying their best against the most advanced weaponry in the world possessed by the US – which also included ‘illegal’ fire-arms that were deliberately ‘tested’ on the bodies of the Iraqi people! Although the most elite military units of Iraq fought bravely against the invading West in 2003 – many of the ‘Conscripted’ Iraqi units were ‘surrendered’ by their Officers without a fight! As the ‘racist’ reality of US invasion dawned on these Iraqi men – they chose to belatedly ‘rise-up’ and teach the Americans (and the Israelis) a lesson!

Donbass: Russian Grandmothers Intend a “Warm Welcome” the Neo-Nazi AFU – In One Last and Magnificent Stand! (1.7.2023)

The Russian Army still carries the Red Flag with many Units still wearing the Hammer and Sickle! Since 1991, Bourgeois ‘Nationalism’ has replaced Marxist-Leninist ‘Internationalism’! The former Soviet Republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia have been engaged in a religious war over a pile of rocks for the last five-years! Nobody cares in the West because the US does not care about the pile of rocks in question. Throughout the 74-years of the existence of the USSR – all land was collectively held by the people – and all people equally shared in the usage of that land! There were NO religious war as ‘Science’ dominated a secular, political space which all lived within with equal access to all wealth, resources and establishments! The US ensured that ‘capitalist’ Russia’s first war was in ‘Chechnya’ and was religiously based! What is important for the capitalist world is that nations are fighting nations over nothing at all – whilst the capitalist system is being cultivated, enforced and encouraged!

Tigray: Assessing Trump’s (Proxy) ‘Race War’ in Ethiopia! (16.5.2023)

Wikipedia is ‘free’ for a reason. The US government realised quite early on that it needed an information platform it could control that was provided ‘free’ to the general public, which was easy to use and performs its task of providing the ‘preferred’ US interpretation of material reality, even when that ‘interpretation’ runs counter to known facts and contradicts personal and/or experience and collective consensus. The mythos that ‘Wikipedia’ (it should be spelt ‘Wikipaedia’) operates behind is that it represents a ‘spontaneous’ outpouring of a ‘popular’ quest for knowledge – and avoids the trap of ‘advertisement’ by being self-policed using ‘free’ labour! Well, the irony is that the US has manipulated the UN (and NATO) in the past (from the 1950s onwards) to blanketed-bomb that have stated that they wish to exercise their ‘self-determination’ in a very similar manner – usually termed ‘Socialist’ by the US – and vigorously resisted by every US President – with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter! When the people of Yugoslavia stated they wanted to continue to live peacefully under their ‘Socialist’ System – the US led NATO in a 78-day blanket-bombing offensive in 1999 – until the correct message was received. This forceful manipulation of world politics is EXACTLY why ‘Wikipedia’ exists! With prominent world events (such as the recent conflict in Ethiopia and the ongoing battles in Neo-Nazi Ukraine) the task-monkeys that lie behind the Wikipedia-disinformation process have been hard at work!