North Korea and China Uphold Human Rights Against Capitalist Excess!

DPRK: EU Anti-Korean Racism Exposed at UN! (24.3.2024)

The submitting of the anti- DPRK “resolution”, which has become an inveterate evil practice of the EU, is nothing but a clearly politically-motivated plot utterly contrary to the purpose and principle of the UN Charter which stipulates respect for sovereignty and non-interference in other’s internal affairs and to the efforts of the UN member states to protect and promote human rights through dialogue and cooperation.

It is the core of the “resolution” of the EU to insist on the infringement upon sovereignty under the signboard of “protecting human rights”.

The DPRK permanent mission to the UN Office and International Organizations in Geneva brands the recent “resolution” submitting of the EU as a grave political provocation pursuant to the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK to bring down its social system, and vehemently denounces and rejects it.

Kai-Lin on the Champion's Podium!

Redhill: Gymnastic Bronze Medal Earned By Kai-Lin! (24.3.2024)

Every Monday evening at around 5 pm – and after a long day at school – Kai-Lin gets her sport gear on and heads out to train in Gymnastics at Wood Field School. Sundays are usually the only day Kai-Lin has a complete rest – but she was up at 7 am and loosening up for today’s challenge! The Judges ruled that over-all – the points Kai-Lin earned – secured a “Bronze Medal” in her group! Kai-Lin demonstrated that sheer will-power can prevail!

People wait for food relief in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah on March 14, 2024. (Photo by Khaled Omar/Xinhua)

Xinhua: US-backed “Summit for Democracy” Triggers Divisive Confrontation! (24.3.2024)

Washington’s bid to rally some countries against others, which has further entrenched ideological divisions, undermines efforts to foster genuine dialogue and cooperation among nations with different political systems.

Kwon said the “democracy summit” is being criticized as a divisive international conference to build a hegemonic international order with the United States at the centre. “The U.S. hegemonic action of weakening the function of the UN and leading a so-called ‘democracy summit’ is a hindrance to world peace.”

“By weaponizing democracy as a political tool,” said commentator Yirenkyi Jesse in an op-ed in The Standard, a leading daily newspaper in Kenya, “the United States seeks to assert its hegemonic dominance, dividing the world along arbitrary lines and sowing discord in its wake.”