Joint Meeting

Palestine: US “Human Rights Watch” Report “Justifies” Zionist War Crimes! (26.11.2023)

The Front concluded its Statement by emphasizing that the truth about the genocidal War Crimes taking place against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip has penetrated the solid Zionist Wall of US-derived Disinformation – and has reached the outside world – creating unprecedented transformations in international public opinion! The ordinary people now understand what is truly happening! The Zionist Occupation is funded and armed by the US – and is allowed to carryout its War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity as such fascist actions serve to destabilise the Middle East in favour of the West!

US: Pro-Zionist “Hate Crimes” Flourish in Land of the Free! (27.11.2023)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned in the strongest terms the shooting crime against the three Palestinian students.

The Ministry called on the American authorities to quickly arrest the criminal, investigate him, hold him accountable, and inform them of the results of the investigations, wishing a speedy recovery for the students.

On October 16, a Palestinian child and his mother were stabbed in the town of Plainfield, Illinois, by a 71-year-old man, who killed the child and seriously injured the mother.

The police accused the man of committing a hate crime against the child, 6, and his mother, 32, saying that the two victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith.

South Africa: Parliament “Suspends” Diplomatic Relations with “Criminal” Zionist Israel! (23.11.2023)

The PFLP expressed its hope that the decisions of the virtual extraordinary BRICS Summit, which was held at the initiative and Presidency of South Africa, will put serious pressure on the Zionist entity. In order to stop the aggression, completely break the siege on the Gaza Strip, and force the Zionist entry to allow aid into the area, the BRICS members adopted South Africa’s move to go to the International Criminal Court to try the Zionist Occupation leaders for the War Crimes, genocide and the massacres they are continuing to commit in the Gaza Strip, and to stop the export of weapons and ammunition to this criminal Zionist entity – whilst boycotting it completely.

Palestine: US & UK Support Zionist War Crimes in Storming of Hospital! (16.11.2023)

The PFLP concluded its statement by stressing that Palestinian hospitals will continue to bear witness to the unprecedented crimes of the Zionist entity, which have reached a level never practiced by any earlier Occupation or version of colonialism. However, our people are determined to resist it and are steadfast and determined, and will not raise the white flag! Our doctors, patients, and all of our people will remain strong. They will not be intimidated by these crimes, and they will not forgive or forget the complicity of the International Community and International Medical Institutions that turned a blind eye to the targeting of hospitals and the medical system, and the killing of doctors and patients.

The Weight of Israeli War Crimes ‘Silences’ the Mainstream Western Media! (14.11.2023)

The people of the UK, if given the chance, would willingly ‘crush’ Ukrainian and Israeli Neo-Nazism – and assist the good people of Ukraine and the non-Zionist Jews of the world. The UK did not lose 340,000 soldiers and 70,000 civilians between 1939-1945 to see an out-of-control US encourage and support various fascist regimes around the world just because these regimes are pro-capitalist and anti-Socialist. This has led to a situation whereby the Western media cannot take the side of the beleaguered Palestinians – so it merely ‘stops’ reporting the details of Zionist terrorism as it is having the opposite effect to that intended.

Palestine: Zionists Confirm (Illegal) IDF Attack on Jabalia – and “Death of Civilians” – All Part of the “tragedy of war”! (1.11.2023)

In the north, Israel struck Hezbollah posts, targeting areas where mortar shells had been fired toward Israeli communities or militants trying to launch rockets.

Also on Tuesday, the Israeli military said its aerial defence systems intercepted a surface-to-surface missile from the Red Sea and a drone near the southern city of Eilat. No injuries or damage were reported.

The Houthis, who control Yemen’s capital and much of northern Yemen, said in a statement on Tuesday afternoon that they targeted Eilat and an Israeli air base in the Negev desert with ballistic missiles and several drones.

They said Tuesday’s attack was their third operation against Israel since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began, without elaborating on the previous two attacks.

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