ICC to Arrest Zionist Leader!

International Criminal Court Considering Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu! (2.5.2024)

The International Criminal Court is probing Israel’s actions in the West Bank and Gaza, independent of other cases at the International Court of Justice, such as South Africa’s genocide claims against Israel in Gaza.

Israeli media are reporting the government has received indications from legal officials that the International Criminal Court is considering issuing arrest warrants for senior officials, including prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The ICC is currently investigating Israel’s actions in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The ICC case is separate from other cases brought against Israel at the International Court of Justice, including one filed by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

Zionist Criminality Successfully Opposed!

China-Iran – Foreign Ministers Hold Telephone Talks on Israel-Iran Tensions! (16.4.2024)

Wang said that the current situation is a spillover effect of the escalating conflict in Gaza. The pressing task now is to implement Security Council Resolution 2728 as soon as possible, achieve a ceasefire and end the fighting in Gaza, effectively protect civilians and prevent further aggravation of the humanitarian disaster, he said.

China is willing to maintain communication with the Iranian side and jointly push for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue, Wang said.

China and Iran are comprehensive strategic partners, and China is willing to steadily advance practical cooperation with Iran in various fields for a greater development of bilateral relations, Wang said.

Prof David Miller - Anti-Zionist!

UK: British Court Confirms “Anti-Zionism” is NOT “Anti-Semitism”! (7.2.2024)

Prof. David Miller was sacked from his Bristol University post due to the pressure of a local Zionist group during 2019. These fascists played the usual trick of conflating ‘anti-Zionism’ with ‘anti-Semitism! This British Court ruling confirms that every British citizen possesses the ‘right’ in law to hold (or not hold) anti-Zionist viewpoints (which have been a legitimate part of anti-fascist campaigning for decades). I suspect the Interim Ruling of the International Court of Justice – which has indicated Israel is committing ‘Genocide’ in Palestine – has had a certain judicial influence on this verdict!

A Typical Example of the Hand-Gun Involved!

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Fake “Assassinated Russian Pilot” Story Exposes Plight of Dying [Western-Backed] Regime! (4.2.2024)

Kyiv terrorists said that in the city of Engels, (situated in the Saratov region – located in the South-eastern area of West Russia), a Russian Tu-95 Pilot (the Crew Commander of a Strategic Bomber) – who had carried out attacks on Ukraine – was allegedly “Executed” by Ukrainian infiltrators! As this story is ‘false’ – the reasons given vary from ‘unknown’ to ‘bombing civilians’ in Syria! Below – this version involves the Pilot ‘Bombing Ukraine’. These examples neatly coincide with the anti-Russian propaganda appearing in the West and is meant for consumption in that part of the world. His codename recorded in Neo-Nazi Ukrainian files is ‘Миротворец’ (‘Peace-Maker’). The reality is that the individual involved in this story left the Russian Aerospace Force long before the ‘Special Operation’ in East Ukraine began – and has has nothing to do with it.

Workers' Party of Britain!

Email: George, Nigel and Rainbows Too! (2.2.2024)

The British public can relate to this! Afterall, for quite some time now, there’s been nothing ‘Socialist’ about (the balding) George – but both men are certainly National Socialist! Rochdale will go LibDems and I can watch George fail for free! Of course, George Galloway’s children have Islamic names and do NOT live in the UK – so they will NOT be conscripted in any future UK wars against Russia, China or Iran! Freedom for gays and trans across the world! Oppose George and his fake Socialism! Support Palestine by not voting for the Philistine! Suck My Rainbow!

Zionist Propaganda Image

Palestine: Zionist Neo-Nazi Propaganda Defies ICJ ‘Genocide’ Ruling! (30.1.2024)

Meanwhile, the Zionists are treating kidnapped Palestinian men, women and children as sub-human ‘Prisoners’. In the photograph above, ordinary Palestinian captives are illegally blindfolded and shackled hand and foot – whilst they are ‘forced’ to bow in-front of a (fascist) ‘Star of David’ flag and an Arabic inscription which reads –  فَأَخَذَهُمُ الطُّوفَانُ وَهُمْ ظَالِمُونَ – or ‘The Floods Will Wash Over Them for Their Sins!’ Just out of view are heavily armed IDF soldiers threatening to shoot-dead any Palestinian captive who refuses to obey. The Arabic text is extracted from the second-half of the 14th Verse of Surat Al-Ankabot (The Spider Surat) contained in the Holy Qur’an.

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