Soviet Weaponry

Gaza: Israeli War Crimes Countered By Hamas Courage! (9.11.2023)

The total number of Palestinian deaths due to Israeli attacks since Oct. 7 has risen to 10,328, including 4,237 children, 2,719 women, and 631 elderly people. Additionally, more than 25,000 others were injured with various degrees of severity, according to the Gaza-based Health Ministry on Tuesday.

On the same day, the government media office announced that Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip with over 30,000 tons of explosives since the outbreak of the deadly conflict on Oct. 7.

Meanwhile, the ground battles continue between Hamas and other resistance factions against the Israeli military, which has announced its intention to target underground tunnels in the northern Gaza Strip and advance towards the heart of Gaza City after isolating the area with troops and tanks.

Palestine: Israel Murders Children – Hamas Freedom Fighters “Kill” Zionist Tanks! (7.11.2023)

The price the Palestinians have paid since 1947 has been the lose of their lands and the lose of their lives – as the US and UK continuously feed in an endless supply of money and arms to the region. The very presence of an aggressive Israel destabilises the region and prevents the Arab world from uniting around its petroleum wealth and becoming a powerful political bloc!

The Martyred Children of Palestine: How Zionist Israel Illegally Targets the Youth of Gaza! (25.10.2023)

He told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, “My family members are not great in number – and will never be. I always remember the loving and kind Eileen. She loved everything and sang a lot. Celine too. They were closer to my heart than I was to myself. The Israeli Occupation killed them while they were in their mother’s arms – when they were afraid.” “The whole family was in one room.” He added: “They took them out in pieces. A few months ago, my sister Hadeel had received a job promotion at her work in the Rafah Governorate and was appointed as a Secondary School Teacher. She dreamed of a beautiful future for her children and was happy to have given birth to a boy. To me, she was a loving mother, a close sister, and a smart nanny.” “She was the first to give me books to read. She always believed in the importance of reading, and this is the approach she tried to follow with her children.”

Palestinian “Hungar Strikes” – Anti-Fascist Campaigners “Self-Sacrifice” in the Face of Zionist Criminality! (22.6.2023)

The 51-year-old sick prisoner Falah Shehadeh continues his “Hunger Strike” for the ninth day inside the Zionist Occupation Prisons. Falah embarked on this heroic hunger strike after he was transferred from the Zionist Naqab Prison to the Zionist Asqalan Prison by the Zionist Occupation entity in a blatant act of medical negligence. He is unable to receive the medical care he needs in the Zionist Asqalan Prison – which is an ‘Extermination’ Centre!

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