US: Biden Suppresses Widespread Anti-Israel Protests! (24.1.2024)

Meanwhile, South Africa (and other countries) has proven – at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – that the crimes committed by Zionist Israel are “Genocidal” in nature. Bizarrely, Germany (of all counytirs) has followed US dictates and attempted to defend and justify the murderous behaviour of the Zionists. Perhaps the killing of non-White Palestinians by White Israelis is really what all this is about – with a massive land grab being the inevitable result. Whatever the case, the University students of America are on the march and it is their dedication to the case of International Justice with must be supported and admired! The racist terror machine of the US and Israel can be beaten!

Good Bye Rachel Corrie!

The Day the Zionists “Murdered” Rachel Corrie! (31.1.2024)

The Zionist IDF refused to acknowledge he murder – stating that Corrie’s death was an ‘accident’ – but ISM eyewitnesses dispute this account, contending that the bulldozer driver deliberately aimed his vehicle at Corrie and deliberately ‘crushed’ – as she was protesting in plain view. Despite numerous legal actions taken against the Zionist entity – the corrupt Israeli State refused to hold the IDF responsible for Rachel Corrie’s murder – implying that this is what will happen to anyone who ‘interferes’ in Zionist activities in Palestine! I was forwarded these pictures by someone who was present during the IDF murder of Rachel Corrie.

Palestine: Hamas Inflicts 14,000 IDF Casualties! (10.1.2024)

Hamas is fighting an excellent campaign against terrible odds – certainly as effective as the Viet Cong were against the Americans during the Vietnam War! Like the Americans, the racist Zionists are learning the hard way what an oppressed minority is capable of doing given the right conditions! The US is failing in its foreign policy of creating proxies to carryout the dirty work for them! Well done Hamas!

Palestine: Israel Murders Children – Hamas Freedom Fighters “Kill” Zionist Tanks! (7.11.2023)

The price the Palestinians have paid since 1947 has been the lose of their lands and the lose of their lives – as the US and UK continuously feed in an endless supply of money and arms to the region. The very presence of an aggressive Israel destabilises the region and prevents the Arab world from uniting around its petroleum wealth and becoming a powerful political bloc!

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