Rafah Atrocities Obscured by Insane Political Decisions!

Zionist Israel Declares UN Agency “Terrorist” Organisation! (30.5.2024)

The review committee, headed by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, and commissioned by the United Nations with the participation of three research institutes, concluded that UNRWA follows a more advanced approach to neutrality than any other similar international or non-governmental body.

The report confirmed that it developed a framework for neutrality in 2017, while it has developed and updated a large number of policies, mechanisms and measures to ensure compliance with the principle of neutrality, respond promptly and appropriately to allegations or indicators of violations, and define and apply disciplinary sanctions on employees who are proven to have violated the principles of neutrality.

China Supports Palestine!

Presidency Praises China’s Pro-Palestine Positions, Backs Chinese Right to Defend its Sovereignty & Territorial Integrity! (16.5.2024)

The Presidency stressed the keenness of the Palestinian leadership to strengthen and develop mutual relations between the two countries in a way that serves the interests of the two friendly peoples.

The Palestinian Presidency reaffirmed the State of Palestine’s full commitment to the One-China policy followed by China in preserving its territorial integrity, including Taiwan, and rejecting interference in Chinese internal affairs, affirming that the unity of friendly China and its wise policies at an international level contributed to supporting and stabilizing the region, as well as international peace and security.

It affirmed its support for China’s right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity and unify its entire territory, including Taiwan, as well as its support for the peaceful development of Cross-Strait ties.

Nakbe - 1948!

Palestine: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – 76th Anniversary of the Nakba! (15.5.2024)

The Zionists have also built the wall of annexation and apartheid! restricting the movement of Palestinian citizens with hundreds of military and security barriers, The Zionists have demolished homes, arrested citizens and continued killing, and has no end to the limits of continuing to impose the siege on the Gaza Strip through launching three aggressive wars against it that have claimed the lives of thousands of its population, leaving tens of thousands wounded and disabled, and homes and facilities destroyed.

In contrast to this Zionist policy, our people, in all their locations, inside and outside the country, still cling to their inherent right to the land of their origination, and the right to return and reside there. Therefore, they embarked upon the path of National Struggle from the first moments in which the colonial plans emerged towards their Palestinian land, and they continued their struggle. Patriotic tirelessness requires great sacrifices on the path of perpetual struggle!

UK Demonstration Against Israel!

Palestine: 76th “Nakba” Anniversary – Cabinet Affirms “NO Statute of Limitation” for Rights of the Palestinian People! (12.5.2024)

Nakba in Palestine describes a process of ethnic cleansing in which an unarmed native nation was destroyed and its population displaced systematically to be replaced by Jewish occupiers from all over the world. The Nakba resulted in the displacement of more than 1 million Palestinians out of the 1.4 million Palestinians who were living in historical Palestine in 1948 in 1,300 villages and towns.

The majority of the displaced Palestinians ended up in neighbouring Arab countries, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and other countries in the world. Furthermore, thousands of Palestinians – who stayed in the land controlled by Israeli occupation in 1948 – were driven out of their homes and lands which were seized.

According to the historical documentary evidence, Israeli occupation controlled 774 towns and villages and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and villages during the Nakba. The atrocities of Zionist forces also included more than 70 massacres in which more than 15 thousand Palestinians were martyred, The Israeli occupation has been waging its aggression since the Nakba, and has escalated it sharply during the current aggression against Gaza Strip since October 7th, 2023.

Israel is a War Criminal!

Lebanon: PFLP Condemns Israeli War Crmes Against Gazan prisoners! (6.4.2024)

The PFLP called on the Free People of the World and relevant Human Rights institutions to take urgent action to pressure the Zionist Occupation, to find out the fate of missing prisoners, and to send an urgent International Mission to investigate Zionist War Crimes against the prisoners and the conditions of their detention – referring Zionist Israel to the International Criminal Court. This includes the requirement of exposing the complicit Western positions that have ignored the fate of the detained prisoners. The West has ignored Zionist War Crimes and insisted in the committing of Zionist Crimes Against Humanity.

The PFLP concluded its statement, stressing that the Zionist crimes against the heroic prisoners will not be subject to a statute of limitations, and the Resistance will not rest until the suffering of the prisoners is ended and they are liberated from the Occupation Prisons!

Thirst is a Tool of Israeli Genocide!

Palestine: How Israel “Weaponises” Water as Part of its Genocide! (3.3.2024)

The statement said the occupation is implementing a long-term plan to plunder surface and groundwater resources and use them as a means of blackmail against the Palestinians.

The Arab League said that these actions constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity in accordance with international law and humanitarian norms, adding that the deliberate destruction of infrastructure in Gaza has affected most of the facilities and infrastructure.

It revealed that the percentage of potable water available today to the population does not exceed more than 15 percent of what it was before the aggression, which is considered a death sentence for hundreds of thousands.

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