Nakbe - 1948!

Palestine: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – 76th Anniversary of the Nakba! (15.5.2024)

The Zionists have also built the wall of annexation and apartheid! restricting the movement of Palestinian citizens with hundreds of military and security barriers, The Zionists have demolished homes, arrested citizens and continued killing, and has no end to the limits of continuing to impose the siege on the Gaza Strip through launching three aggressive wars against it that have claimed the lives of thousands of its population, leaving tens of thousands wounded and disabled, and homes and facilities destroyed.

In contrast to this Zionist policy, our people, in all their locations, inside and outside the country, still cling to their inherent right to the land of their origination, and the right to return and reside there. Therefore, they embarked upon the path of National Struggle from the first moments in which the colonial plans emerged towards their Palestinian land, and they continued their struggle. Patriotic tirelessness requires great sacrifices on the path of perpetual struggle!

Slavery on Zionist Farms!

Israel: Anti-Black Racism Continues Under Zionist Regime! (9.5.2024)

The BBC is “banned” from China for continuously publishing unsubstantiated lies and racist misrepresentations. Like most of the British media, the BBC (like the Guardian and the Qatari-owned Al Jazeera) – continuously misrepresents the non-White and non-capitalist world! Every so often, however, the sheer weight of these contradictions of this misreporting takes its toll – and the occasional “true” story penetrates this barrier of falsehood. Below, is yet another “White” (Zionist) racially-motivated act of aggression aimed at Black people currently being used as “paid-slaves” in that part of stolen Palestine currently termed “Israel”! The BBC, like all those other hypocrites, are afraid following the International Court of Justice (ICJ) judgement declaring Zionist Israel is “Guilty” of “Plausible Genocide”!

International Court of Justice

International Court of Justice to Rule [Tuesday] on Case “Accusing Germany of Facilitating Gaza Genocide”! (28.4.2024)

According to German government-funded media, Berlin “is one of the largest arms exporters to Israel” alongside the United States.

Nicaragua is asking the court to issue immediate provisional measures ordering Germany to end its “participation in the ongoing plausible genocide and serious breaches of international humanitarian law” in the Gaza Strip.

This would include suspending military aid to Israel and ensuring that already delivered German weapons are not used to commit genocide. Nicaragua also asked the court to require that Germany comply with international humanitarian law, and resume its funding to UNRWA.

The hearings will come after the ICJ in January ordered Israel to halt all potentially genocidal acts – including any killing of Palestinians – pending its consideration of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel.

US: Biden Suppresses Widespread Anti-Israel Protests! (24.1.2024)

Meanwhile, South Africa (and other countries) has proven – at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – that the crimes committed by Zionist Israel are “Genocidal” in nature. Bizarrely, Germany (of all counytirs) has followed US dictates and attempted to defend and justify the murderous behaviour of the Zionists. Perhaps the killing of non-White Palestinians by White Israelis is really what all this is about – with a massive land grab being the inevitable result. Whatever the case, the University students of America are on the march and it is their dedication to the case of International Justice with must be supported and admired! The racist terror machine of the US and Israel can be beaten!

Lebanon: Heroic Hezbollah Missile Combats Zionist “Genocide”! (18.4.2024)

Although the US, UK and the EU are politically supporting this mass murder – and granting Israel the military technology to carry it out – the Lebanese Hezbollah (armed by Socislist Iran) is putting up a stiff resistance! Indeed, a well-aimed Hezbollah guided missile is filmed above destroying the military radar of the Israeli Miron Air Control Base on 17-4-2024 – formerly used to target innocent Palestinians!

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