Yemeni Missiles Survive Airstrikes!

Yemen: NEW Missile-Attacks Launched Against Pro-Israeli Shipping! (14.6.2024)

Since last November, the Houthi group, which controls much of northern Yemen, has initiated the launch of anti-ship ballistic missiles and drones targeting what it said were Israeli-linked ships transiting the Red Sea, to show solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In response, the U.S.-British naval coalition stationed in the area has since January conducted air raids and missile strikes against Houthi targets to deter the group, which, however, only led to an expansion of Houthi attacks to include U.S. and British commercial vessels and naval ships.

Yemenis participate in a rally in Sanaa, Yemen, on Jan. 12, 2024 to protest the U.S.-Britain joint retaliatory airstrikes on the group's camps.

Yemen: Houthis Successfully Target Greek-Owned Vessel in Red Sea! (17.1.2024)

As to whether the actual government of Yemen monitors this page I do not know – but the news stories have not been updated for nearly a year and appear oddly out of touch with the reality of everyday life. Whatever the case, at least the unelected Tories will see that not all British people support the criminal acts of their unelected (Tory) Junta! Finally, the (racist) Western media habit (mirrored here by Xinhua) is to draw a false distinction between the ‘Houthi’ people and the entire people of ‘Yemen’ – as if the popular government of Yemen (since 2014) does not represent the entirety of the Yemen people! Despite the Tory-ordered (illegal) acts perpetuated by the RAF – the Yemen State has still been able to freely fire missiles at ALL shipping assisting Zionist Israel in its ongoing genocide against Palestine.