Many Good Points - A Number of Bad!

Emails: Exposing the Catholic [Anti-Soviet] Ignorance of Abbot Andre Louf [1929-2010]! (19.5.2024)

This is despite the anti-Soviet nonsense he spouts on page 114 – a line of Vatican propaganda that sullies a man who tolerates a qualified “atheism” in his monastery! Of course, this type of anti-Stalin invention can be dismissed by studying the Collective Works of Stalin (Stalin trained in the Seminary before becoming a Revolutionary) and the historical (academic) work of EH Carr, Alexander Werth and Grover Furr, etc. EH Carr does mention that following the Bolshevik Revolution, monks and priest were not allowed to vote in elections until after 1922 (the founding of the USSR) – but prior to 1917 – no one (ecclesiastical or lay) was allowed to vote for any reason outside the closed circle surrounding the Czar – and the oppressive feudal system he administered. Just as Catholic monks live under the “Dictatorship” of God, the Pope and their Abbot – monks and priests in the USSR possessed absolutely no rights prior to 1917! Andre Louf, as a professed Catholic monk, was NOT permitted by the Catholic Church to vote in any election. When the reality of his position is fully understood – then the magnitude of his ignorance becomes fully revealed. Even monastic masters are inclined to “lie” – perhaps that is what their God requires.

Ancient Rome Celegrated!

Italy: Rome Celebrates 2,777th Birthday! (22.4.2024)

“We didn’t plan to come to Rome for the city’s birthday but seeing all this is a great way to spend part of a day, taking it all in,” Loria told Xinhua. “I especially enjoyed seeing the contrasts, the period costumes in a modern city.”

Though the origins of Sunday’s celebrations date back centuries, the events have caught on with travellers as tourism in Italy has recovered from the setbacks of the coronavirus pandemic.

There are no official estimates for the number of people who participated in Sunday’s activities, media reports said the city had deployed extra police for security and traffic control. Hotel bookings were higher than usual for the weekend, media reports said.

Heretics & Believers!

The Other “Richard Hunne” [d. 1514]! (14.4.2024)

The Secular Court case against the murderers of Hunne was continuously adjourned so that NO decision was ever reached (with the accused being quietly pardoned and released) – whilst Parliament’s order for the Church to return the Hunne land and property was never obeyed by the Church. Such a situation represented a totalitarian Canon’s Law controlled by a foreign power (which exempted all clerics from Secular Law) – locked in a deadly competition with the local power of an absolute monarchy – which would eventually end with the destruction of the Catholic Church in England just twenty-years later (through the Dissolution of the Monasteries) and the abolition of the resultant Church of England around one-hundred years after that (During the English Civil Wars)! Such was the dialectic times that Richard Hunne existed!

Fascist Finland Has Opposed Russia Since Lenin Granted Its Independence.

Sweden: Expansion of NATO Raises European Security Concerns! (28.2.2024)

Last year, Sweden and the United States strengthened their defense cooperation, granting access to military bases. Coupled with recent U.S. agreements with Finland, these moves deprived the two countries of the status of buffer zones between the NATO alliance and Russia.

Jan Oberg, director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, said that Sweden’s decision to join NATO may compromise the security of local citizens.

Finland and Sweden, “instead of keeping out of war, being a potential mediator and supporting disarmament and de-nuclearization, will be frontline states drawn into a crisis/tension situation much more easily and early than otherwise,” Oberg said in a recent interview with Xinhua.

Church of England: Peter John Ball – Bishop-Fantasist and Convicted Sex Offender! (18.11.2023)

The Church of England – even in its modern incarnation – possesses NO ecclesiastical agency to possess a ‘monastic’ branch. Indeed, through its very origin (the ‘Dissolution of the Monasteries’) – the Church of England can NOT even pretend to possess a monastic calling! Why then, was the paedophile-priest – Peter John Ball – allowed to pretend that he had founded a ‘Monastic Order’? Well, as a CofE Bishop – Peter John Ball was allowed to play-out his fantasies of being a ‘monk’ – just as he was allowed to play-out his deviant sexual fantasies upon the naked bodies of unsuspecting young males! To aid him in this sickness – Peter John Ball – looked for inspiration from the Catholic Church, a corrupt institution that has been abusing children and young people for centuries. When Peter John Ball was asked by Terry Wogan why it was that he ‘founded’ a ‘new’ monastic order – a measure of Ball’s dishonesty can be ascertained by what he does NOT say in his answer. Ball does NOT state that he had to ‘invent’ a new monastic order because the CofE that made him a Bishop does NOT possess or allow for a monastic order. This is why he looked toward the Catholic ‘Benedictines’ when he concocted his so-called ‘Community of the Glorious Ascension’!

USSR: The Vatican and Hungary’s 1956 “Neo-Nazi” Uprising! (22.8.2023)

In 1956, however, just eleven-years after the end of WWII and a Holocaust which had seen the fascist Hungarisns purge their country of hundreds and thousands of Jewish people, urged on by the US – the former soldiers of the (fascist) Hungarian Army took to the streets (together with their young converts) – and attempted to destroy the Socialist System and re-establish a pro-Western, pro-capitalist – totalitarian system that was anti-Russian and anti-Soviet! Within Socialist parlance this was clearly an attempt at a counter-Revolution – but all over the internet (and within faulty Western discourse) this fascist uprising is referred to as a ‘Revolution’. Does this sound familiar? It should do – as it is exactly the same policy that Obama unleashed in Ukraine in 2014! This is how Alexander Werth explains these events:

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