Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

Russia: US Provided Assistance to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Before “Ban” was Lifted! (23.6.2024)

The idea of this formation (and other Neo-Nazi Units) was to ideologically spear-head a NATO (military) thrust into East Ukraine and West Russia. The Militias of the People’s Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk held-off the Western-backed military attack on the ethnic Russian enclave of Donbass – until the Russian Army came to their aid during early 2022. Russia is still fighting Hitlerism on our behalf and we – the working class – must remain grateful for this new sacrifice! As usual the US is lying. It may be that “officially” America started openly supporting the Azov Hitlerites during 2022 – but the support originates further back in time before that date. I know that ethnic Ukrainians were participating in military training on Salisbury Plain routinely between 2014-2022 and beyond. Around 8 million Ukrainians have spread throughout Western Europe and I believe this has led to a general lurch to the political far-right in elections.

ormer Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad

Former Malaysian PM Blames Aggressive U.S. Leadership for Escalating Conflicts! (3.6.2024)

The senior statesman also criticized Western powers amid growing global tensions, especially since the onset of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict last October, the report said.

“A lot of injustices are committed, but the U.S. and Europe view these injustices as issues that don’t concern them. They don’t try to stop Israel from committing all kinds of crimes,” he said.

Noting that the U.S. is the world’s biggest arms trader and continually produces new weapons, Mahathir claimed it is in Americans’ interest to see wars fought elsewhere, Nikkei Asia said.

“There is this belief in the West that to have peace, prepare for war, but that is wrong. Preparing for war ensures war because to make money from selling weapons, people must fight,” he said.

Zionist Fascism Condemned!

President of Cuba: “Israel burned people alive” – During Attack on Palestinian Tents in Rafah! (30.5.2024)

“How many people must die for the genocide to stop?” he said, stressing that “Cuba condemns Israel and calls for strengthening solidarity with Palestine.”

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez condemned the Israeli attack on the tents of displaced people in Rafah.

“We condemn this attack, which violates international humanitarian law,” he said. “This brutal massacre of hundreds of refugees is one of the most prominent evidence of what Israel has committed against the Palestinian people.”

45 Palestinian civilians were killed and dozens injured, most of them women and children, in a bombing by Israeli occupation warplanes on displaced persons’ tents in Tal al-Sultan area, northwest of Rafah, even though it was among the areas that the Israeli army claimed were “safe and possible to move to.”

CPC Sanctions - 2024

China: Five US Defense Industry Companies Sanctioned! (7.1.2024)

The countermeasures consist of freezing the properties of those companies in China, including their movable and immovable property, and prohibiting organizations and individuals in China from transactions and cooperation with them, the spokesperson said.

“I would like to stress that the Chinese government remains unwavering in our resolve to safeguard national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies and citizens,” said the spokesperson.

China urges the United States to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiques, observe international law and the basic norms governing international relations, stop arming Taiwan, and stop targeting China with illegal unilateral sanctions, the spokesperson said, noting that “otherwise there will be strong and resolute response from China.”