Chinese Volunteer Army Attacks US Troops!

DPRK: US, UK, France, Germany, New Zealand & Australia – “Illegally” Deploy Military Assests in Korean Waters! (13.5.2024)

Meanwhile, such allies of the U.S. as Germany, France and New Zealand have also dispatched their warships and warplanes to the Asia-Pacific region including the waters around the Korean peninsula one after another this year, encroaching upon the security interests of regional countries and escalating the military tension in the region.

In particular, an Australian warship, dispatched to the waters around the Korean peninsula, let a military helicopter go into action and threaten the maritime and air security of a surrounding country, thus creating possibility of a dangerous armed conflict.

Such military intervention, conducted by the above-said countries under the pretext of implementing the so-called UNSC “resolution” and abiding by international laws, is contrary to the purpose and principle of the UN Charter with sovereign equality and non-interference as its core and poses a visible threat to peace and security in the Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

Palestine Wins UN Vote!

UN: General Assembly Backs Palestinian Bid for UN Membership! (11.5.2024)

UNITED NATIONS, May 10 (Xinhua) — The UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday adopted a resolution supporting the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified to join and recommending that the Security Council “reconsider the matter favourably.”

The resolution was adopted with 143 votes in favor and nine against, including the United States and Israel, while 25 countries abstained. China voted for the resolution.

The resolution states, “The State of Palestine… should therefore be admitted to membership” and “recommends that the Security Council reconsider the matter favourably.”

The resolution “determines” that a State of Palestine is qualified for membership – dropping the original language that in the UN General Assembly’s judgment it is “a peace-loving state.” It therefore recommends that the Security Council reconsider its request “favourably.”

US Zionists Vote to Continue Killing!

UN: US “Veto’s” Gaza Cease-Fire – Grants Israel “Licence to Kill”! (20.2.2024)

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said today addressing the UN Security Council that Washington continues to provide Israel with “a license to kill”.

He said: “Algeria organized discussions in good faith to produce its draft resolution, but the US in effect issued an ultimatum, asserting that the draft was dangerous as it would obstruct ongoing talks.

“Indeed, Washington continues to insist the Council not interfere in the US plans, he said. The US has vetoed similar draft resolutions in the past, he added.

Israeli Invasion of Palestine!

DPRK Arab Association: Only Way to Settle Middle East Crisis – Terminate Double Standards of US and West! (13.2.2024)

It was none other than the U.S. and western countries that cooked up a brigandish decision on building an Arab State and a Jewish State – by dividing Palestine at the Second Session of the UN General Assembly in November 1947 – whilst that decision instigated the Zionists’ ambition for territorial expansion by handing over a large amount of redundant WWII weaponry after the “founding” of the State of Israel.

Even when Israel brutally suppressed the just struggle of the Palestinian people while resorting to the expansion of Jewish Settlements by blockading the Gaza Strip, the U.S. and the West supported Israel, playing the role of blind and deaf mute.

The double standards of the U.S. and the West patronizing Israel are becoming more apparent with the Middle East conflict acting as this policy’s sounding board.