Spanish People Support Israel!

UK: Matt Lucas – Zionist Belief and the “Racist” Content of “Little Britain”! (9.6.2024)

Matt Lucas was forced to apologise for “Blacking-Up” in Rock Profile, Little Britain and the odious Come Fly with Me – following the murder of George Floyd by a US Police Officer in 2020 – and the worldwide protests this racially motivated incident unleashed. This happened after he had just published a self-serving biography “DENYING” his actions or motivations were “RACIST”! In 1975, the UN passed a Resolution declaring that “ZIONISM” is a form of White Supremacy practiced by White, middle-class, secular Jews – with the actions and opinions of Matt Lucas certainly confirming this declaration. People like Matt Lucas make money out of us – the Workers. Do not give Matt Lucas – or the likes of Sting, Stephen Fry, Bradley Cooper, Chris Rock, Rita Ora, Taika Waiti, Paul Rudd, Olivia Wilde, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Bella Thorne, Jimmy Carr, Matt Lucas, Zoe Saldana, Will Ferrell, Seth Meyers, Lana Del Ray, Julia Fox, Jordan Peele, David Schwimmer, Adam Levine and Anthony Russo, etc, your money or your time.

Haitham Abdo: Interview

Lebanon: Haitham Abdo – “Remove the Zionists to Build a Free Palestinian State!” (22.1.2024)

As many Palestinian leaders have been assassinated – from Wadih Haddad, to Ghassan Kanafani, through the martyr Abu Ali Mustafa, Fathi Al-Shaqaqi and Abu Ammar – and yet despite all this, the Resistance has developed further, took a firmer root in the land and has not retreated.

He added, there is an internal American movement pressuring Biden – especially after Trump won the Republican Party primary elections – which has increased ever more pressure on Biden.

He concluded by saying: “Building and solidifying the Resistance, developing it (and ourselves) is the foundation of any battle, and the conflict with the enemy is an existential conflict, not just a border conflict! It does not end except with the removal of this Occupation from our region – and the establishment of an Independent Palestinian State built upon the entire Palestinian territory – from the river to the sea!”

BBC Radio Drama (Progressive): “The Exorcism” [Broadcasted 28.12.1992] – By Don Taylor!

The UK, until around the abolition of ‘free’ Universal Education in 1988 – had far more in common with the average Soviet Republic – than any Bourgeois (capitalist) State of anti-intellectual America! Even after 1988, the British Welfare State and National Health Service (until 2012) still made the UK a relatively “Socialist” bastion that stood in defiance of both US and EU neo-imperialist ideology! Thatcher destroyed the comprehensive Socialist fabric of the UK – and in 1992 – the after-birth that was “John Major” invited a US “expert” to the UK with the intention of ‘weening’ the British population off of Welfare and health (paid for by collective taxation) delivered ‘free’ at the point of use!

BMA (UK): Examples of Anti-China Racism in Dad’s Army Scripts (1968-1977) – [31/10/23]

The second round-up was perpetuated by the incumbent Labour Party in 1946 – and is the reason a ‘Chinatown’ nolonger exists in East London. During this ‘purge’ – around 2,000 Chinese people were ‘kidnapped’ by the Police (usually ‘males’ on their way to work early in the morning) – and forcibly placed on ships bound for China. Those who had ‘White’ (English) partners were visited by the British Police and Social Workers and were told that they were ‘sexual deviants’ whose ‘mixed-race’ children will be taken away and placed into ‘Care’ – if any legal challenge was raised against this government-sponsored ethnic cleansing.

Rostov: Ordinary Russian People Support Wagner PMC! (26.6.2023)

The first reaction by the US, Ukraine and Russians – is to ‘disinform’! Wagner PMC are ‘traitors’ – seems to be the main call – from three different angles! The problem is that material reality does not support this interpretation! Indeed, Russian is probably on the brink of Revolution – possibly as close as it came in 1917! The Wagner PMC has earned the love and respect of the Russian people due to its heroic stand in Bakhmut – unlike 1917 – modern Russia possesses a much stronger and well-organised Bourgeois State which has already began to take stern and oppressive measures to re-write history and divert the attention of the masses away from popular movements and fairer systems of administration!

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