Hundreds of Labour MPs Support Israeli Genocide in Gaza!

UK: Labour Party “Hides” Friends of Israel List! (1.6.2024)

Israeli embassy front group Labour Friends of Israel has deleted its public list of “Parliamentary supporters” ahead of the UK’s upcoming general election on 4 July.

The deletion appears to be a way to protect pro-Israel Labour candidates from electorial challengers on their left flank.

But copies of the list made as recently as 5 April are still available on internet archives. You can also read a full copy of the most recent list at the end of this article.

It seems likely that the list will be updated and republished later this year after the election.

Labour Friends of Israel did not respond to a request for comment.

The deletion came to light on Monday when right-wing Labour lawmaker Jess Phillips denied in a posting on X (formerly Twitter) that she was a “member” of the group or had “taken money.”

“I’m not a member of LFI I don’t know what being a member even is,” she wrote. It is unclear whether Phillips is denying having taken money from Labour Friends of Israel or from the Israel lobby generally.

Rostov: Ordinary Russian People Support Wagner PMC! (26.6.2023)

The first reaction by the US, Ukraine and Russians – is to ‘disinform’! Wagner PMC are ‘traitors’ – seems to be the main call – from three different angles! The problem is that material reality does not support this interpretation! Indeed, Russian is probably on the brink of Revolution – possibly as close as it came in 1917! The Wagner PMC has earned the love and respect of the Russian people due to its heroic stand in Bakhmut – unlike 1917 – modern Russia possesses a much stronger and well-organised Bourgeois State which has already began to take stern and oppressive measures to re-write history and divert the attention of the masses away from popular movements and fairer systems of administration!